
Debian and Ubuntu NGiNX ngx_brotli dynamic module package build

Primary LanguageShellGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Dockerfiles for building libnginx-mod-brotli for Debian / Ubuntu

packagecloud deb packages Build and Deploy

If you're just interested in installing built packages, go there :

/!\ Warning : these packages only works with official NGiNX Ubuntu / Debian repository : https://nginx.org/en/linux_packages.html#distributions

Instructions : https://packagecloud.io/DaryL/libnginx-mod-brotli-stable/install#manual-deb

If you're interested in installing mainline NGiNX packages, go there : https://packagecloud.io/DaryL/libnginx-mod-brotli-mainline

If you want to build packages by yourself, this is for you :

DCH Dockerfile usage (always use bullseye as it is replaced before build) :

docker build -t deb-dch -f Dockerfile-deb-dch .
docker run -it -v $PWD:/local -e HOME=/local deb-dch bash -c 'cd /local && \
dch -M -v 1.0.7+nginx-1.18.0-1~bullseye --distribution "bullseye" "Updated upstream."'

Build Dockerfile usage :

docker build -t build-nginx-brotli -f Dockerfile-deb \
--build-arg DISTRIB=debian --build-arg RELEASE=bullseye \
--build-arg NGINX_VERSION=1.18.0 .

Or for Ubuntu :

docker build -t build-nginx-brotli -f Dockerfile-deb \
--build-arg DISTRIB=ubuntu --build-arg RELEASE=bionic \
--build-arg NGINX_VERSION=1.18.0 .

Then :

docker run build-nginx-brotli
docker cp $(docker ps -l -q):/src ~/Downloads/

And once you don't need it anymore :

docker rm $(docker ps -l -q)

Latest Brotli version : https://github.com/google/brotli/releases

Latest ngx_brotli version : https://github.com/google/ngx_brotli

Get latest nginx version : https://nginx.org/en/download.html Or :

curl -s https://nginx.org/packages/debian/pool/nginx/n/nginx/ |grep '"nginx_' | sed -n "s/^.*\">nginx_\(.*\)\~.*$/\1/p" |sort -Vr |head -1| cut -d'-' -f1