
PHP library for the Sanity API

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


PHP library for the Sanity API



sanity-php requires PHP >= 5.5, with the json module installed.


You can install the library via Composer. Run the following command:

composer require sanity/sanity-php

To use the library, use Composer's autoload:

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';


Instantiating a new client

use Sanity\Client as SanityClient;

$client = new SanityClient([
  'projectId' => 'your-project-id',
  'dataset' => 'your-dataset-name',
  'token' => 'sanity-auth-token', // or leave blank to be an anonymous user

Fetch a single document by ID

$document = $client->getDocument('someDocumentId');

Performing queries

$results = $client->fetch(
  '*[_type == $type][0...3]', // Query
  ['type' => 'product'] // Params (optional)

foreach ($product in $results) {
  echo $product['title'] . '\n';

See the query documentation for more information on how to write queries.

Creating documents

$doc = [
  '_type' => 'bike',
  'name'  => 'Bengler Tandem Extraordinaire',
  'seats' => 2,

$newDocument = $client->create($doc);
echo 'Bike was created, document ID is ' . $newDocument['_id'];

This creates a new document with the given properties. It must contain a _type attribute, and may contain a _id attribute. If an ID is specified and a document with that ID already exist, the mutation will fail. If an ID is not specified, it will be auto-generated and is included in the returned document.

Creating a document (if it does not exist)

As noted above, if you include an _id property when calling create() and a document with this ID already exists, it will fail. If you instead want to ignore the create operation if it exists, you can use createIfNotExists(). It takes the same arguments as create(), the only difference being that it requires an _id attribute.

$doc = [
  '_id'   => 'my-document-id',
  '_type' => 'bike',
  'name'  => 'Amazing bike',
  'seats' => 3,

$newDocument = $client->createIfNotExists($doc);

Replacing a document

If you don't care whether or not a document exists already and just want to replace it, you can use the createOrReplace() method.

$doc = [
  '_id'   => 'my-document-id',
  '_type' => 'bike',
  'name'  => 'Amazing bike',
  'seats' => 3,

$newDocument = $client->createOrReplace($doc);

Patch/update a document

use Sanity\Exception\BaseException;

try {
  $updatedBike = $client
    ->patch('bike-123') // Document ID to patch
    ->set(['inStock' => false]) // Shallow merge
    ->inc(['numSold' => 1]) // Increment field by count
    ->commit(); // Perform the patch and return the modified document
} catch (BaseException $error) {
  echo 'Oh no, the update failed: ';

Todo: Document all patch operations

Delete a document

use Sanity\Exception\BaseException;

try {
} catch (BaseException $error) {
  echo 'Delete failed: ';

Multiple mutations in a transaction

$namePatch = $client->patch('bike-310')->set(['name' => 'A Bike To Go']);

try {
    ->create(['name' => 'Bengler Tandem Extraordinaire', 'seats' => 2])

  echo 'A whole lot of stuff just happened!';
} catch (BaseException $error) {
  echo 'Transaction failed:';

Clientless patches & transactions

use Sanity\Patch;
use Sanity\Transaction;

// Patches:
$patch = new Patch('<documentId>');
$patch->inc(['count' => 1])->unset(['visits']);

// Transactions:
$transaction = new Transaction();
  ->create(['_id' => '123', 'name' => 'FooBike'])


An important note on this approach is that you cannot call commit() on transactions or patches instantiated this way, instead you have to pass them to client.mutate().

Get client configuration

$config = $client->config();
echo $config['dataset'];

Set client configuration

$client->config(['dataset' => 'newDataset']);

The new configuration will be merged with the existing, so you only need to pass the options you want to modify.

Rendering block content

When you use the block editor in Sanity, it produces a structured array structure that you can use to render the content on any platform you might want. In PHP, a common output format is HTML. To make the transformation from the array structure to HTML simpler, we include a helper class for this within the library.

If your content only contains the basic, built-in block types, you can get rendered HTML like this:

use Sanity\BlockContent;

$document = $client->getDocument('some-doc');
$article = $document['article']; // The field that contains your block content

$html = BlockContent::toHtml($article, [
    'projectId'    => 'abc123',
    'dataset'      => 'bikeshop',
    'imageOptions' => ['w' => 320, 'h' => 240]

If you have some custom types, or would like to customize the rendering, you may pass an associative array of serializers:

$html = BlockContent::toHtml($article, [
  'serializers' => [
    'listItem' => function ($item, $parent, $htmlBuilder) {
      return '<li class="my-list-item">' . implode('\n', $item['children']) . '</li>';
    'geopoint' => function ($item) {
      $attrs = $author['attributes']
      $url = 'https://www.google.com/maps/embed/v1/place?key=someApiKey&center='
      $url .= $attrs['lat'] . ',' . $attrs['lng'];
      return '<iframe class="geomap" src="' . $url . '" allowfullscreen></iframe>'


sanity-php follows the PSR-2 Coding Style Guide. Contributions are welcome, but must conform to this standard.


MIT-licensed. See LICENSE