
seed-noid meta package

Primary LanguageC++


seed-noid meta package

Continuous Integration Status

service Kinetic Melodic
Travis Build Status Build Status

How to install

1. From Debian


2. From Source

In your catkin_ws/src,

  sudo apt-get install ros-{distro}-seed-smartactuator-sdk
  source /opt/ros/{distro}/setup.bash
  git clone https://github.com/seed-solutions/seed_r7_ros_pkg.git
  catkin build seed_r7_ros_pkg
  source {your-workspace}/devel/setup.bash

How to run

Bring up robot_control(with real robot and Simulation on rviz)

roslaunch seed_r7_bringup seed_r7_bringup.launch

Without real robot (Simulation on rviz)

roslaunch seed_r7_navigation wheel_with_dummy.launch

rosrun rviz rviz


To confirm a single axis movement of manipulator easily

sudo apt-get install ros-{distro}-rqt-joint-trajectory-controller 
source /opt/ros/{distro}/setup.bash 
rosrun rqt_joint_trajectory_controller rqt_joint_trajectory_controller 

sample2 sample3


Sample code (you input only this command, so robot_controller and rviz, smach_viewer launched)

roslaunch seed_r7_samples demo.launch

In detail : https://github.com/seed-solutions/seed_r7_ros_pkg/blob/master/seed_r7_samples/README.md

With real robot

Enviroment Setting

  1. When you connect your PC and robot main controller with USB FTDI,

rosrun seed_r7_bringup make_udev_install.py

You need to set upper-udev-rules and lower-udev-rules.

Make map with navigation

roslaunch seed_r7_navigation wheel_with_making_map.launch

Save map

roslaunch seed_r7_navigation map_saver.launch

※Caution: Don't exit nodes of make_map before launch map_saver.

Map file is saved in


Use saved map

roslaunch seed_r7_navigation wheel_with_static_map.launch