
Simple Discord bot to post Hololive streaming notifications

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Simple Discord bot to post Hololive streaming notifications

Require nodeJS and following packages

  • discord.js
  • xmlhttprequest
  • fs

run npm install to install needed packages

Before starting

Open HoloNotifyBot.js, fill in your bot token and Google API key at the top of the file.

refreshRate indicates the interval of checking if there's new scheduled streaming on the Hololive Official site(ms). default = 1min

beforeStart the Bot will send another notification to tell you the streaming is about to start. Change this var to configure how long before the scheduled time will the notification being sent. default = 5min

run npm start or node HoloNotifyBot.js to start the server

Sending Notification

Once the bot logged in, type !startNotify to start sending notifications to the current channel.

To stop the bot from sending more notifications, type !stopNotify.

Type ping to check connection.

Other Cautions

You have to resent !startNotify after bot restart. In other words, list of Discord Channels to sent notifications will be clear after start.

Massive messages will be sent to discord after first !startNotify, get prepared.

scheduledObj.json will be generated after the bot start, in order to save queried datas and reduce API quota usage. remove it will cause the bot to re-scan and query the Youtube API after next start. Delete this file & restart if the Bot goes wrong.

I do not take any responsibility of comsuming API quota or being banned, it usually wont take up too much but how do I know.

You may be banned if you set the refresh interval too short.

This code do nothing with HoloLive Official