
Simple Monokai-inspired theme for Twitterrific.

MIT LicenseMIT


Simple dark theme for Twitterrific 5 & 6, heavily inspired by Sublime Text's famous Monokai code highlighting theme.


To install (V6)

  1. Download the TwitterrificMonokai.twitterrifictheme file to your computer
  2. Put it in your iCloud Drive folder here: /Twitterrific/Themes/Dark/
  3. The theme can now be used on macOS and iOS by selecting the theme

To install (V5)

  1. Download the TwitterrificMonokai.plist file to your computer
  2. In Twitterrific, hold down Option as you click Twitterrific -> Preferences... in the menu.
  3. Go to the Theme tab, click Import and select the theme file you downloaded.