
Docker image for running latest php with apache webserver. Running on supervisor with Google Cloud Library installed.

Primary LanguageShell

Project Information

This project contains:

  • based on php:5.6.19-apache with this module installed:
    • mcrypt
    • gd
  • supervisor installed
  • composer installed & configured
  • Google Cloud Library installed based on it's Dockerfile (https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/cloud-sdk-docker/blob/master/Dockerfile) on March 15 2016.
  • entrypoint will do composer install in /var/www/html and then start the supervisor (make sure supervisor configuration is correct to prevent any errors).

Step by step how to setup this instance:

  • Copy docker-compose.example.yml to docker-compose.yml and update it to match your environment configuration
  • Make sure volume configuration in docker-compose.yml match your environment configuration (Use code-example to run hello world app and supervisord.example.conf for supervisor configuration)
  • Setup cron.conf configuration inside .cron-config volume
  • Run app-vol instance:
docker-compose --project-name hello-world up -d app-vol
  • Build app:
docker-compose --project-name hello-world build app
  • Setup google sdk auth:
docker run --rm -it --volumes-from app-vol helloworld_app gcloud init
  • Run the app:
docker-compose --project-name hello-world up -d app

PS: This setup works on March 15, 2016 If this is not working when you tried please fix and do a pull request :)