
Kitodo.Production Docker

Primary LanguageShellGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Kitodo.Production Docker

The Kitodo.Production can be started quickly with the provided Docker image. However, a MySQL/MariaDB database and ElasticSearch are required to start the application. Additionally, a Docker Compose file is available for a faster setup.


Install Docker Engine https://docs.docker.com/get-docker/

Install Docker Compose https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/


Go to the directory where you've put docker-compose.yml.

Copy the environment file .env.example inside the directory and rename it to .env.

Build and start all service containers

docker compose up -d --build

Stops all service containers

docker compose stop

Stops and remove all service containers

docker compose down


When running docker compose up all services Kitodo.Production (APP), Database (DB), Elastic Search (ES) and Active MQ (MQ) in our docker-compose.yml will be started and each as separate Docker container.

Environment file

To configure our services copy the environment file .env.example inside the directory and rename it to .env. Adjust the configuration of the respective service to suit your needs. The variables are marked with the prefix of the service e.g. APP_ for our Kitodo.Production Application.

Compose overwrites

In the folder overwrites are configurations to overwrite our default Kitodo.Production configuration of docker-compose.yml.

For example to build image with specific Git branch and run Tomcat in debug mode use following Docker Compose command with parameters.

docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f ./overwrites/docker-compose-app-builder-git.yml -f ./overwrites/docker-compose-app-debug.yml up -d --build


The builder defines the source to get the resources to create the image. The builder provides a preset to customize the appropriate builder using the .env file.

You can only overwrite the default docker-compose.yml with one of these builder overwrites.


Release files of any release of Kitodo.Production will be used to build Kitodo.Production image.

The variables of the Release Builder can be found in the .env file with the prefix APP_BUILDER_RELEASE_.

docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f ./overwrites/docker-compose-app-builder-release.yml up -d --build

Archive with specified commit / branch and source url will be downloaded. Furthermore, builder triggers maven to build sources, creates database using temporary database and migrate database using flyway migration steps.

The variables of the Git Builder can be found in the .env file with the prefix APP_BUILDER_GIT_.

docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f ./overwrites/docker-compose-app-builder-git.yml up -d --build

Local WAR, SQL and ZIP files will be used to build Kitodo.Production image.

The variables of the Local Builder can be found in the .env file with the prefix APP_BUILDER_LOCAL_.

docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f ./overwrites/docker-compose-app-builder-local.yml up -d --build


This configures tomcat to run in debug mode after building and when starting container.

The variables of the debug overwrite file can be found in the .env file with the prefix APP_DEBUG_.

docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f ./overwrites/docker-compose-app-debug.yml up -d


This overwrites WAR file and bind local one at runtime.

docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f ./overwrites/docker-compose-app-dev.yml up -d

If you go into the container (with docker exec -it CONTAINERNAME bash) the tomcat can be restarted with the new application using the command /deploy.sh.

Log Viewer

The logs of the respective container can be accessed via the following command:

docker logs CONTAINER

It is more convenient to use the log viewer service "Dozzle" with the following overwrite:

docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f ./overwrites/docker-compose-logviewer.yml up -d

You can reach the Log Viewer under http localhost:8088.

File Browser

File Browser provides a file managing interface for Kitodo.Production config and data directories. It can be used to upload, delete, preview, rename and edit files of these directories.

docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f ./overwrites/docker-compose-filebrowser.yml up -d

You can reach the File Browser under http localhost:8090. Currently the default login with username admin and password admin is used.

Hooks to extend and overwrite app data

There are some hooks available to modify and extend default data when running Kitodo.Production container for the first time.

Modify container before startup

This hook runs before startup.sh is executed. For example, you can add some SSH configuration here.

      - type: bind
        source: ...
        target: /usr/bin/before_startup.sh

Modify data directory

All files and subdirectories of directory bind to /tmp/kitodo/overwrites/data are copied to the /usr/local/kitodo folder. For example, you can overwrite default ruleset files or add your custom ruleset files to ruleset folder.

      - type: bind
        source: ...
        target: /tmp/kitodo/overwrites/data

Under /overwrites/app we implemented these mechanism, so you can add the files and directories to modify your project. This hook is especially helpful when you want to a first basic configuration for your multi compose project.

Modify config directory

All files and subdirectories of directory bind to /tmp/kitodo/overwrites/config are copied to the /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/kitodo/WEB-INF/classes folder. For example, you can overwrite default kitodo_config.properties, add your log4j2 config to log4j2.xml or add file formats with adjusting kitodo_fileFormats.xml.

      - type: bind
        source: ...
        target: /tmp/kitodo/overwrites/config

Modify database after initialisation

This hook runs after database is initialized. For example, you can add import configurations for your custom catalogues or example data for development purposes to database.

      - type: bind
        source: ...
        target: /tmp/kitodo/overwrites/sql/post_init.sql


There are two several ways to structure the Compose Project.

Single compose project

If only one project instance is needed or repository is used e.g. as submodule in other projects.

Build image before and start the container of image

docker compose up -d --build

Stops the container

docker compose stop

Stops and remove the container

docker compose down

Multi compose project

When different projects are needed e.g. to do a review without breaking the existing environment for the current projects of a customer and a feature.

Go to the directory where you've put docker-compose.yml. Create subdirectory where you want to store your compose projects. In our examples we named it "projects". Create project directory (e.g. my-compose-project) in subdirectory where you want to store your compose project data.

Project specific Docker Compose file

Add compose file with name docker-compose.yml to your project directory and maybe add this as config file to overwrite them all with your project specific settings.

docker compose ... -f ./projects/my-compose-project/docker-compose.yml 

When using our Make the compose file is added automatically as last file to COMPOSE_FILE variable of Makefile so it overwrites existing configs.

Project specific environment file

Copy the .env.example to project directory, rename file to .env and change value of COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME env to the name of project directory and comment out the single compose project variables and uncomment the multiple compose project variables

docker compose --env-file ./projects/my-compose-project/.env ... # ... means command e.g. up -d --build

General enviroment file (same config for projects)

Copy .env.example, rename file to .env, uncomment COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME and comment out the single compose project variables and uncomment the multiple compose project variables

docker compose -p my-compose-project ... # ... means command e.g. up -d --build


To facilitate the use of Docker Compose, the Makefile can be used. It takes care of the creation of the project folder and provides various targets to manage the Compose project.

For more information use the following command:

make help

Further information

Workflow to build and run Kitodo.Production over ngrok


If you have any questions or encounter any problems, please do not hesitate to contact me.