Supplement material for Trieste Algebraic Geometry Summer School (TAGSS) 2019 - Algebraic Geometry towards Applications

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Supplementary package for the summer school Trieste Algebraic Geometry Summer School (TAGSS) 2019 - Algebraic Geometry towards Applications.

To get things started clone or download this repository and switch to this folder and instantiate the project.

This needs Julia 1.1 installed. You can download it from www.julialang.org. Please also see the platform specific instructions.

If you are using Linux or Mac the following should work:

# clone repository
git clone https://github.com/saschatimme/TAGSS.git
# switch to the folder
# install all packages necessary
julia -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.activate("."); Pkg.instantiate()'
# start the repository and open the provided Jupyter notebooks
julia --project -e 'using TAGSS; notebooks();'