
Capstone Project for Epicodus, woah! ✨

Primary LanguageRuby

Ley Lines

Ley lines /leɪ laɪnz/ : apparent alignments of places of significance in the geography or culture of an area, often including man-made structures. They are in the older sense, ancient, straight trackways in the landscape, or in the newer sense, spiritual and mystical alignments.

Project question

What are the lines that brought all of us together at Epicodus?


  • Google Maps API with Directions Service
  • Ruby 2.2.2
  • Rails 5.1.2
  • D3.js (beyond MVP)

Let's talk MVP

  • implement Google Maps API direction services
  • hard code end location
  • first, display a single route on the map from hard coded data
  • then... take dynamic data for start location and display that route

MVP ✔️ what's beyond?

  • take dynamic data for multiple start locations and display all routes
  • visually represent overlaps/intersections
  • visually represent routes based off mode of transportation
  • extract route lines from the map and do D3 magic ☄️

Further Exploration