
Telegram bot for morphological analysis of Kyrgyz

Primary LanguagePython

Kyrgyz Parser Bot

This is a telegram bot that can:

Morphological analyzer is based on the transducer developed as part of the open-source platform Apertium.


File What it does
parser_bot.py telegram bot for morphological analysis
find_mistakes.py test transducer output quality


You will need to install Apertium.

To make changes to the transducer files:

  1. clone the apertium-kir repo

  2. change the .lexc, .twol and .rlx files

  3. complile:

    $ ./autogen.sh 
    $ make
  4. place new kir.automorf.bin and kir.rlx.bin files in the transducer directory

Changes to Apertium transducer

  • fixed issue with Й and й

  • added support of some non-dictionary stems (nouns and verbs)

