
Redmine: some hotkeys for common actions

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Горячие клавищи redmine

Обновлены под Redmine 3.4.
Некоторые - переназначены ("ctrl + shift + p" в новой версии Firefox занят).


  • ctrl + enter : отправка формы создать/обновить
  • ctrl + alt + l : раскрыть меню переключения проектов
  • ctrl + alt + m : моя страница

По разделам проекта

  • ctrl + alt + n : новая задача
  • ctrl + alt + s : новая подзадача
  • ctrl + alt + e : редактировать задачу
  • ctrl + alt + i : список задач
  • ctrl + alt + w : wiki
  • ctrl + alt + g : gantt

Обновление статусов задач

  • ctrl + alt + p : в работе
  • ctrl + alt + r : решена + перевод на автора
  • ctrl + alt + f : требуется информация + перевод на пpедидущего исполнителя
  • ctrl + alt + c : закрыта

По списку задач

  • перемещение: стрелки вверх-вниз
  • выделить: пробел
  • открыть: Enter
  • групповое обновление: по меню правой кнопки


  • клавищи работают в любой раскладке клавиатуры (рус/англ)
  • есть краткая форма горячих клавиш (просто n, i, p), если фокус/курсор не на элементах ввода

redmine_hotkeys_js (In English)

UPD : this version is for RM v. >=3.4.
Partially incompartible with older versions.

Redmine Hotkeys Plugin

Add some hotkeys for common actions:

  • ctrl + enter : active form submit (issue, wiki, etc.)
  • project tabs switching (ctrl + alt + "first letter of tab name")
  • issue status changes (ctrl + alt + "first letter of standard status name")
  • navigation on issues list (arrow up/down, space, enter)


  • hotkeys works regardless active keyboard layout/lang
  • short form of hotkeys available (l, i, e, n, ...). No "ctrl + alt" need if cursor is free (focus is not inside some input element)

Navigation on issues list

  • "ArrowDown", "ArrowUp" to focus issue
  • "Space" (or Shift+Up/Down) to select (check/uncheck) issue
  • "Enter" to open issue

Make as in mail.yandex.ru.

Project list

  • ctrl + alt + l: project list select open

Project tabs switching

  • ctrl + alt + n : new issue
  • ctrl + alt + m : new subtask
  • ctrl + alt + e : edit issue
  • ctrl + alt + i: issues list
  • ctrl + alt + w: wiki
  • ctrl + alt + g: gantt

Issue status changes

Based on default status list (script use s, not names):

  • New : 1
  • In Progress : 2 (ctrl + alt + p)
  • Resolved : 3 (ctrl + alt + r)
  • Feedback : 4 (ctrl + alt + f)
  • Closed : 5 (ctrl + alt + c)

Where are some smart actions added for "Resolved" and "Feedback" shortcuts:

  • "Resolved" status set issue assignee to its author
  • "Feedback" return issue to previous assignee


  • It works ok if you have a proper access rights
  • To disable it simply comment out lines ... of js file.

Customize hotkeys

In file: redmine_hotkeys_js/assets/javascripts/hotkeys.js you may edit vars:

  • commonKeys
  • issueKeys
  • issueStatusMap


  • hotkeys customize from "settings" page
  • hotkeys help window
  • Edit issue watchers
  • Prev/next issue navigation (?)
  • hide/show right side page bar
  • context menu keyboard nav (?)
  • some ajax functions
    • change issue status/assignee on a fly (?)


See http://www.redmine.org/projects/redmine/wiki/Plugins

  1. git clone to ./plugins/ folder
  • find redmine installation dir (find / -name redmine -type d)
  • cd to plugins (may be <installation dir>/apps/redmine/htdocs/plugins/)
  • sudo, if need
  • git clone https://github.com/sasha-ch/redmine_hotkeys_js.git
  1. customize hotkeys in file: redmine_hotkeys_js/assets/javascripts/hotkeys.js, if you want
  2. restart redmine or apache. Way depends on your RM installation. May be one of:
  • bundle exec rake redmine:plugins:migrate RAILS_ENV=production
  • user@redmine:<htdocs dir># echo 'restart' > tmp/restart.txt and F5 redmine page
  • sudo apache2ctl restart, sudo service httpd restart, sudo service bitnami restart

Redmine compatibility

2.5, 2.6, 3.0, 3.4

Теsted on default skin. Opera 12, FF 35-58