Alpine Sinatra is a tiny Sinatra application which runs in Docker on top minimalistic Alpine Linux image.
docker run -d -p 5678:5678 sashaegorov/docker-alpine-sinatra
docker ps
docker build --no-cache \
--force-rm --rm \
--tag alpine-sinatra .
Consider remove some options if you know how they works e.g. --no-cache
, --force-rm
and --rm
Run and check image
docker run -d -p 5678:5678 alpine-sinatra
docker ps
If Vagrant
is up and running, it is possible to access application via forwarded port right in your browser. Check available endpoints:
- /env[?json=yes] environment details
- /disk output of
df -h
- /memory output of
free -m
- /exit send TERM signal to app
- /fail send KILL signal
- /sleep[?seconds=3.5] artificial delay
- /form simple form with POST method
Run docker ps
to obtain container ID and export it e.g. export SINATRA=2a3740f25d4b
Check out logs.
docker logs $SINATRA
docker logs -f $SINATRA # follow new logs
Stop it (takes 10 seconds by default)
docker stop $SINATRA
Delete it.
docker rm $SINATRA
Clean up after it
docker images | grep '<none>' | awk '{print $3}' | xargs docker rmi -f
Clean up all images
docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)
docker rmi $(docker images -q)
Check image size
docker image inspect alpine-sinatra:latest --format='{{.Size}}'
For development purposes you can run it locally without Docker (note another port is used to avoid conflicts)
rerun 'bundle exec rackup -o -p 5679'
Just use Vagrant. Run and login into Vagrant box:
vagrant up && vagrant ssh
After successful login:
cd /vagrant
Check Vagrantfile
content for more information and configuration details.
Here http://localhost:5678/form
is default development URL if application was started with rackup app/sinatra/
curl --form 'message=Hello world!✔︎' --form 'log=yes' http://localhost:5678/form
Hello world!✔︎⏎
Login into Docker container:
docker run -ti -p 5678:5678 alpine-sinatra /bin/sh
And figure out what's wrong...