
Sources for Mastering Generative AI

Generative AI - core study sheet

Generative AI (including language, image, time etc) is massive new area of data science, with its own curriculum. Below is a core curriculum for enter this field

Subject areas

  • data preparation and hardware
  • neural architectures
  • training and loss
  • prompting techniques
  • efficient serving
  • evaluation
  • software architectures


  • toolkits: Torch, Tensorflow, Jax, MXNet
  • linear algebra for deep learning: tensor multiplication
  • tokenization
  • byte-pair encoding
  • data augmentation
  • GPU computation

Neural architectures

  • transformers
  • encoder and decoder
  • large language models (LLMs)
  • CNN
  • RNN
  • variational auto-encoders
  • masked language modeling
  • dropout
  • activation functions in hidden layers
  • activation functions in output layer
  • quantization


  • loss functions
  • optimizers
  • training schedules
  • teacher forcing
  • loss spike and stabilization
  • vanishing gradients


  • parameter-efficient fine-tuning, e.g. LoRA
  • supervised fine-tuning
  • RLHF
  • instruction following
  • in-context learning
  • zero and few-shot learning
  • prompting techniques, e.g. chain-of-thought, medprompt
  • LLMP output evaluation, e.g. critics, ROUGE

Software solutions

  • hallucinations and countermeasures
  • toxicity
  • vectorstore and cosine similarity
  • retrieval-augmented generation (RAG)
  • efficient inference
  • multi-agent systems



  • distillation
  • PPO, DPO

Special architectures

  • CLIP
  • ResNet
  • twin output models: Siamese, TarNet
  • ViT visual transformer