
Shrinking circle marker plugin for Leaflet

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Shrinking circle marker plugin for Leaflet.

A simple marker for use when you want to draw the user's attention at some place on the map.

Check out the example.

Browser Support

Plugin is tested and approved to work in the following browsers:

  • Chrome 29+
  • Firefox 23+
  • Internet Explorer 6+
  • Opera 12.16, 16+
  • Safari 5.1.16 (Windows)


Add marker to the map:

var map = L.map("map");
var latlng = [ 45.033, 38.967 ];

Marker will remove itself from map automatically after disappearing.

If you do not want marker to be auto-removed, set dispose option to false:

var map = L.map("map");
var latlng1 = [ 51.505, -0.09 ];
var latlng2 = [ 45.033, 38.967 ];
var focus = L.focusMarker(latlng1, { "dispose": false });

// some lines below:

Marker will show again when its coordinates changed or on show() method call.

Marker fires animationend event after disappearing.


Project requires npm for development environment.

To set up, run following command in the project's directory:

npm install

To build minified file, run build Grunt task in the project's directory:

grunt build