
ICFP Contest 2016 sources for team Hydralisk eats taco

Primary LanguageOCaml

ICFPC 2016 - Team Hydralisk eats taco

origami (ocaml)

To build origami.native

brew install opam / apt install opam
opam install zarith extlib cairo2 vg ocurl oasis


./origami.native get_tasks - refresh available tasks
./origami.native submit - submit data/*.out
./origami.native submit - submit data/*.out
./origami.native gen_folds - generates folds based on manually entered edges

to renegerate data/*.out files

make redo

rest.js (javascript)

To configure first run

npm install

Commands and options for ./rest.js

Usage: rest.js <command> [options]

  download  download new problems into data directory
  solved    run statistics on solved problems
  created   run statistics on created problems

  --api-url            ICFPC API URL
                                 [default: "http://2016sv.icfpcontest.org/api/"]
  --api-key            ICFPC Team API Key
                               [default: "103-7133f8e2759c5495a88472be2ff6f7c1"]
  --team-id            ICFPC Team ID                              [default: 103]
  --data-dir           All downloaded and processed data directory
                                                               [default: "data"]
  --problems-dir       Team problems directory             [default: "problems"]
  --max-problems       Maximum problems to download              [default: 1000]
  --api-delay          Minimum amount of delay between API calls [default: 1000]
  --sort-key           Default sort key                   [default: "teamScore"]
  --desc               Sort in descending order       [boolean] [default: false]
  --full, --fullStats  Show full statistics           [boolean] [default: false]
  --json               Show statistics in JSON format [boolean] [default: false]
  --rounded            Show numbers rounded to N decimal places     [default: 2]
  -h, --help           Show help                                       [boolean]

  rest.js solved --desc --full --sort-key   run analysis of our submitted
  teamScore                                 problems and sort results by team
                                            score in descending order


Files in the data folder are created using origami or rest.js API calls.

  • N.in - problem text
  • N.in.png - problem picture
  • N.out - proposed solution
  • N.sent - submitted solution
  • N.result - received answer to solution
  • N.done - perfect score marker