
:two_women_holding_hands: Crowdsourced diversity numbers for CS professors

CS Professor Diversity Data

Lately at universities across the nation, there has been a push for greater representation of the demographics of the student body among faculty. While many schools are increasingly admitting diverse talent to the university and into their computer science programs, the faculty is still very male and very white. I created this database in the hope that having accurate data on the diversity numbers of computer science professors across the nation will help to hold our universities accountable.

Why Computer Science?

Computer science is definitely not the only field that could benefit from something like this, but I've chosen to restrict this database to computer science for a few reasons:

  • It's my own field.
  • Lessoning the scope of the problem will help me maintain high quality data.
  • There's an existing push for diversity in technology.
  • Computer science departments are receptive to data!

Please contribute!

I need your help to make this database as robust as possible! Please contribute data for your own university and share this repo with friends.

If you're new to Git but still want to contribute, click "Issues" in the upper right hand corner and create a new issue describing in text what you'd like to add.

Thanks so much to...

  • Tracy Chou, who started the crowdsourced diversity data movement with her database of the percentage of women in software engineering at various companies.
  • Christine Chapman, who maintains a database of diversity numbers of undergraduate computer science majors at various universities.