
A lightweight toolset for writing styles in JavaScript ✨

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A lightweight toolset for writing styles in JavaScript.

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npm install --save polished
# or if you're using yarn
yarn add polished

Want to write styles in JavaScript, but also want Sass-style helper functions and mixins? Need a consistent color palette throughout your app? ✨ polished is for you!

  • Make your app look great without stress
  • Cross framework compatible: No matter if you're using styled-components, aphrodite, radium, or plain inline styles, as long as you're writing your styles in JavaScript you can use polished!
  • Switching from a pre-processor to styles in JS made easy


See the full documentation at polished.js.org!


✨ polished modules are meant to be used as stand-alone imports. You should avoid importing the entire library directly:

import { clearFix, animation } from 'polished' import * as polished from 'polished import polished from 'polished'

When ✨ polished modules are imported properly, tree shaking in webpack 2 and Rollup can be leveraged to reduce your bundle size.

Flow Type Definitions

✨ polished has first-class Flow support with zero configuration to assist you in finding type errors while using our modules.

Ignore polished source

Flow frequently updates and it is possible that the version you are running may cause you to run into errors coming from the polished package in your node_modules directory. You can add the following lines to your .flowconfig to ignore polished in those cases:


TypeScript Definitions

✨ polished has TypeScript definitions to allow the library to be used in any TypeScript project.

Babel plugin

You can optionally also use babel-plugin-polished to compile the static function calls out and remove the (already tiny) runtime performance impact of using ✨ polished.

Object Spread Properties

In the documentation you will see examples using object spread properties. ({ ...other }) To enable this syntax in your project add the transform-object-rest-spread plugin (or the stage-3 preset to enable all stage three features) to your Babel configuration.


When writing styles in JavaScript, many people need Sass-style helper functions to be productive. ✨ polished brings them to you in a nice, lightweight package tailor-made for styles in JavaScript.

The main difference with Sass is that it's written in a functional style and all color functions are curried. This means you can compose them together into your own reusable helpers with a compose function of your choice:

import { compose } from 'ramda' // Replace with any compose() function of your choice
import { lighten, desaturate } from 'polished'

// Create tone() helper
const tone = compose(lighten(10), desaturate(10))

Why not package-xyz?

First of all, we didn't find another library that had everything we needed, and we don't care about installing a dozen packages separately.

Specifically most other packages that provide color functions do so in an object-oriented style, often with a fluent API that's very different from the Sass-style helpers. This means people that aren't very familiar with JavaScript might shy away from using them.

✨ polished was made as a standard library for everybody, no matter if they know JS inside out or not.


polished is compatible with any library that accepts styles as JS objects. This includes, but is by far not limited to, styled-components, radium, aphrodite, glamor, glamorous, jss and many more!

No matter if you're using inline styles or CSS-in-JS, polished is for you.


Copyright © 2016 Maximilian Stoiber. Licensed under the MIT License, see LICENSE.md for more information!