
Create your own personal flash cards and then quiz your friends

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Quizzer App

Quizzer App Home

A simple flash card generator with CRUD capabilities for Decks and Cards.

Link to project: Link TBD

How It's Made:

Tech used: bcrypt, connect-mongo, dotenv, ejs, express, express-flash, express-session, mongodb, mongoose, morgan, nodemon, passport, passport-local, validator

Why It Was Made:

Studying is hard, but when you can turn studying into a friendly competition, well, now we're talking!

Project Checklist for Team:

  • Create an .env file and add the following as key: value pairs
    • PORT: 2121 (Or whatever you choose!)
    • DB_STRING: your database URI
  • CSS Styling with Bootstrap
  • Generate ejs template in views
  • Follow CRUD operations for new routes and controllers (decks/cards/quizzes)
  • Create new schemas in models for decks and cards
  • Deploy to Heroku/Netlify

Issues / Known Bugs

  • Specific questions with long answers sometimes dont fit into flipcard viewport

Lessons Learned:

  • Lessons learned form those issues will go here.


  • Create an option for users to reset a forgotten password
  • Temporary link generator that allows you to send quizzes to anyone

Steps run project:

  • Install all dependences or node packages used for development via Terminal npm install

  • to switch branch use git checkout 'name of branch'

Have fun testing and improving it! 😎