
An Ansible program to create a new user in the system


An Ansible program to create a new user in the system

Steps to use

  • Clone this repository
  • Run this command python -c 'import crypt; print (crypt.crypt("<your password>", "$1$SomeSalt$"))'. The output of this command is your password
  • After this run the yml file with this command ansible-playbook createUser.yml --become --ask-become-pass
  • It will then ask you for BECOME password: where you have to type in the root password
  • when asked for username What is your username?: write in the username of the user you want to create
  • when asked for username What is your password?: write in the password that was created in step 2
  • With this your new user has been created

you may follow the steps from this asciinema as well : https://asciinema.org/a/ZcCadFDTZzawrRhegd9mstiqM

Here is a screenshot of the new user (logged in):

new user