
TeamTreehouse/Tracks/Web Design

Primary LanguageCSS


TeamTreehouse/Tracks/Web Design

What I learned from this course::

  1. Attribute selectors
  2. Advanced pseudo-classes
  3. Pseudo-elements

Selectors - Beyond the Basics: Learned all about attribute selectors, DRY CSS, and combinators.

Going Further with Attribute Selectors and Pseudo-Classes: Learned how to select elements without having to write extra classes or IDs in the markup. Target elements based on specific pieces of HTML attributes, user interaction states, or their position on the page.

Advanced Selectors: Learned how to write selectors with simple expressions to target a combination of elements and used special selectors called pseudo-elements to insert virtual elements and content into the page.

About this Course: In this short course, we're going to go beyond the basic selector concepts covered in CSS Basics. Besides the common ways to select elements with type, ID and class selectors, we're able to target elements based on their attributes, position in the HTML document, even their relation to other elements. By the end of this course, you'll have gained a better understanding of the power and flexibility behind CSS selectors. You'll have a new set of valuable tools in your CSS toolkit to use on your next project.

Thank you.