
Build Apps on Base SAS

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

SASjs Server

All Contributors

SASjs Server provides a NodeJS wrapper for calling the SAS binary executable. It can be installed on an actual SAS server, or locally on your desktop. It provides:

  • Virtual filesystem for storing SAS programs and other content
  • Ability to execute Stored Programs from a URL
  • Ability to create web apps using simple Desktop SAS
  • REST API with Swagger Docs

One major benefit of using SASjs Server alongside other components of the SASjs framework such as the CLI, Adapter and Core library, is that the projects you create can be very easily ported to SAS 9 (Stored Process server) or Viya (Job Execution server).

SASjs Server is available in two modes - Desktop (without authentication) and Server (with authentication, and a database)


Installation can be made programmatically using command line, or by manually downloading and running the executable.


Fetch the relevant package from github using curl, eg as follows (for linux):

curl -L https://github.com/sasjs/server/releases/latest/download/linux.zip > linux.zip
unzip linux.zip

The app can then be launched with ./api-linux and prompts followed (if ENV vars not set).


  1. Download the relevant package from the releases page
  2. Trigger by double clicking (windows) or executing from commandline.

You are presented with two prompts (if not set as ENV vars):

  • Location of your sas.exe / sas.sh executable
  • Path to a filesystem location for Stored Programs and temporary files

ENV Var configuration

When launching the app, it will make use of specific environment variables. These can be set in the following places:

  • Configured globally in /etc/environment file
  • Export in terminal or shell script (export VAR=VALUE)
  • Prepended in the command
  • Enter in the .env file alongside the executable

Example contents of a .env file:

## Core Settings

# MODE options: [desktop|server] default: `desktop`
# Desktop mode is single user and designed for workstation use
# Server mode is multi-user and suitable for intranet / internet use

# A comma separated string that defines the available runTimes.
# Priority is given to the runtime that comes first in the string.
# Possible options at the moment are sas, js, py and r

# This string sets the priority of the available analytic runtimes
# Valid runtimes are SAS (sas), JavaScript (js), Python (py) and R (r)
# For each option provided, there should be a corresponding path,
# Priority is given to runtimes earlier in the string
# Example options:  [sas,js,py | js,py | sas | sas,js | r | sas,r]

# Path to SAS executable (sas.exe / sas.sh)

# Path to Node.js executable

# Path to Python executable

# Path to R executable

# Path to working directory
# This location is for SAS WORK, staged files, DRIVE, configuration etc

# This location is for files, sasjs packages and appStreamConfig.json

# options: [http|https] default: http

# default: 5000

# options: [sas9|sasviya]
# If not present, mocking function is disabled

# default: /api/mocks
# Path to mocking folder, for generic responses, it's sub directories should be: sas9, viya, sasjs
# Server will automatically use subdirectory accordingly

## Additional SAS Options

# On windows use SAS_OPTIONS and on unix use SASV9_OPTIONS
# Any options set here are automatically applied in the SAS session
# See: https://documentation.sas.com/doc/en/pgmsascdc/9.4_3.5/hostunx/p0wrdmqp8k0oyyn1xbx3bp3qy2wl.htm
# And: https://documentation.sas.com/doc/en/pgmsascdc/9.4_3.5/hostwin/p0drw76qo0gig2n1kcoliekh605k.htm#p09y7hx0grw1gin1giuvrjyx61m6

## Additional Web Server Options

# ENV variables for PROTOCOL: `https`
PRIVATE_KEY=privkey.pem (required)
CERT_CHAIN=certificate.pem (required)
CA_ROOT=fullchain.pem (optional)

## ENV variables required for MODE: `server`

# options: [mongodb|cosmos_mongodb] default: mongodb

# AUTH_PROVIDERS options: [ldap] default: ``

## ENV variables required for AUTH_MECHANISM: `ldap`
LDAP_BIND_DN= <cn=admin,ou=system,dc=cloudron>
LDAP_USERS_BASE_DN = <ou=users,dc=cloudron>
LDAP_GROUPS_BASE_DN = <ou=groups,dc=cloudron>

# options: [disable|enable] default: `disable` for `server` & `enable` for `desktop`
# If enabled, be sure to also configure the WHITELIST of third party servers.

# options: <http://localhost:3000 https://abc.com ...> space separated urls

# HELMET Cross Origin Embedder Policy
# Sets the Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy header to require-corp when `true`
# options: [true|false] default: true
# Docs: https://helmetjs.github.io/#reference (`crossOriginEmbedderPolicy`)

# HELMET Content Security Policy
# Path to a json file containing HELMET `contentSecurityPolicy` directives
# Docs: https://helmetjs.github.io/#reference
# Example config:
# {
#   "img-src": ["'self'", "data:"],
#   "script-src": ["'self'", "'unsafe-inline'"],
#   "script-src-attr": ["'self'", "'unsafe-inline'"]
# }

# To prevent brute force attack on login route we have implemented rate limiter
# Only valid for MODE: server
# Following are configurable env variable rate limiter

# After this, access is blocked for 1 day
MAX_WRONG_ATTEMPTS_BY_IP_PER_DAY = <number> default: 100;

# After this, access is blocked for an hour
# Store number for 24 days since first fail
# Once a successful login is attempted, it resets

# Name of the admin user that will be created on startup if not exists already
# Default is `secretuser`

# Temporary password for the ADMIN_USERNAME, which is in place until the first login
# Default is `secretpassword`

# Specify whether app has to reset the ADMIN_USERNAME's password or not
# Default is NO. Possible options are YES and NO
# If ADMIN_PASSWORD_RESET is YES then the ADMIN_USERNAME will be prompted to change the password from ADMIN_PASSWORD_INITIAL on their next login. This will repeat on every server restart, unless the option is removed / set to NO.

# LOG_FORMAT_MORGAN options: [combined|common|dev|short|tiny] default: `common`
# Docs: https://www.npmjs.com/package/morgan#predefined-formats

# This location is for server logs with classical UNIX logrotate behavior

Persisting the Session

Normally the server process will stop when your terminal dies. To keep it going you can use the following suggested approaches:

  1. Linux Background Job
  2. NPM package pm2

Background Job

Trigger the command using NOHUP, redirecting the output commands, eg nohup ./api-linux > server.log 2>&1 &.

You can now see the job running using the jobs command. To ensure that it will still run when your terminal is closed, execute the disown command. To kill it later, use the kill -9 <pid> command. You can see your sessions using top -u <userid>. Type c to see the commands being run against each pid.


Install the npm package pm2 (npm install pm2@latest -g) and execute, eg as follows:

export SAS_PATH=/opt/sas9/SASHome/SASFoundation/9.4/sasexe/sas
export PORT=5001
export SASJS_ROOT=./sasjs_root

pm2 start api-linux

To get the logs (and some useful commands):

pm2 [list|ls|status]
pm2 logs
pm2 logs --lines 200

Managing processes:

pm2 restart app_name
pm2 reload app_name
pm2 stop app_name
pm2 delete app_name

Instead of app_name you can pass:

  • all to act on all processes
  • id to act on a specific process id

Server Version

The following credentials can be used for the initial connection to SASjs/server. It is highly recommended to change these on first use.

  • CLIENTID: clientID1
  • USERNAME: secretuser
  • PASSWORD: secretpassword

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Saad Jutt

💻 ⚠️

Sabir Hassan

💻 ⚠️

Yury Shkoda

💻 ⚠️

Mihajlo Medjedovic

💻 ⚠️

Allan Bowe

💻 📖

Vladislav Parhomchik


Koen Knapen


This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!