
3D Game Engine made in C++

Primary LanguageC++

What is Hydrill ?

Hydrill is a 3D game engine (for WIndows platform only) providing simple and friendly tools to realise the game that you want. At the end, you can export your game, play and share it to your friends.

Our HyTeam

For this project, we were 3 programmers :

Main Modules

Hydrill is composed of 4 main modules :

  • The Editor (Executable)

    Interface to create your game. Create your scenes, place your entities and use the given tools to make the game you dream of.

  • The Game (Executable)

    Simple application to run your game. When you build your project, it will use this application to run properly.

  • The Engine (Dynamic library)

    This is the Core module -> This module is in charge of the management of the resources, the entities and the flow control of your game. Most of the time you will interact indirectly with it.

  • The Scripting (Dynamic library)

    Moving with inputs, react to a collision or switch to another scene, this is where you will create your own behaviors for your game entities. You can also reflect values to tweak them directly in the editor.

How to use ?

You want to give it a try? - Follow the instructions below :

Compiling from source

Go to our Github and clone the project on your Desktop. Once you are in the repository, extract the Dependencies.zip compressed file and run the DevLaunch.bat file to clean the old binaries and launch the HydrillProject and HydrillScripting visual studio solutions.

If you are using Visual Studio 2022, be sure to run with the MSVC v142 build tools and with the ATL for v142 build tools installed. (check images below)

Once you are here, you first have to compile the HydrillProject solution (Editor, Engine and Game projects). Then you can compile the HydrillScripting solution (Dependency with the Engine).

-> Debug/Release configuration

If you compile with the Debug or Release configuration, you can run the Editor project on the HydrillProject solution and start creating your new game.

-> Standalone configuration

If you compile with the Standalone configuration, working directories are updated. You need to directly run the Editor.exe in the Binaries folder to run the program. You can also run the ReleaseBuilder.exe to create a release of the Editor and launch the Editor.exe in the created Standalone/Binaries folder.
/!\ If you want to use the scripting solution, you need to select the StandaloneFinal configuration or it won't work.

Notes :

  • The HydrillScripting solution is not required to run the Editor or the Game but is necessary to use your own behaviors (if not compile, your scripts will not be detected).
  • If you want to use the scripting Hot-reload, you must run the program without the debugger attached (Ctrl + F5). Else an error will occur because you tried to override the PDB file attached to the Scripting DLL while in use.

Release version

Go to our Gitlab Release (TODO : Change with Github for free access. Gitlab need a student registration) and download the latest release .ZIP file.

Here, you simply have to extract the folder and run the Editor.exe shortcut to run the editor and have fun.

You can download our game assets folder here : (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KI3pAWKekRPo-Kmha2kKtrJ9FJslMaLF/view?usp=sharing)


