
Bug repro for Fable >=4.1.3 when a DU has an interface type constraint

Primary LanguageF#

Interface import bug reproduction

This repo is to demonstrate and reproduce a bug introduced in Fable 4.1.3 and still present in 4.2.2.


When an interface is defined in one file (see Source.fs) and the interface is used as a generic interface type constraint for a discriminated union in another file (see Program.fs), the generated JavaScript file containing the DU attempts to import the interface even though no code is generated for the interface.

System information

  • Operation system: macOS 14.0
  • .NET SDK: 7.0.401 and 8.0.100-rc.2.23502.2
  • Fable compiler: 4.1.3 and 4.2.2

Reproduction steps

  1. Clone the repo
  2. dotnet tool restore
  3. dotnet restore
  4. dotnet fable
  5. Open the generated file Program.fs.js
  6. Note import { IErrorInterface } from "./Source.fs.js";. This is the line causing the error.

Additional information

This bug is not present in Fable 4.1.2.

In Program.fs, you can comment out the type ErrorUnion and uncomment the other types above it. If you run dotnet fable again, the bug is not present in the generated file.