WHAT YOU NEED * Eclipse * Android SDK, Android NDK r5 (or later), Android Platform 2.2 (or later) HOW TO BUILD * Make sure your Eclipse/Android environment is set up correctly (all information you need is at http://developer.android.com) * Build the native libraries - run the NDK 'ndk-build' script from the project directory * Build the project normally from inside Eclipse (don't forget F5 = Refresh - or native libs will not be found) ANDROID SDK ETC, DETAILED INSTALLATION Go to http://developer.android.com/sdk/ * Download and unpack the Android SDK (android-sdk_r08 or later) * Download and unpack the Android NDK (android-ndk-r5 or later) * Run the "android" application from the android-sdk_r08/tools/ * Select Available Sites, Android Repository * Install the latest version of the SDK Platform-tools (r01) and the SDK Platform (2.2 or later) From within the project directory * Run "<sdk>/tools/android update project -p <path to droidsound>" * Run "<ndk>/ndk-build" to build the native libraries * Run "ant debug" to build the APK-file into bin/ To Test it: * Make sure you have USB-divers for your device and it is connected * Run "<sdk>/platform-tools/adb devices". You should see your device listed. * Run "<sdk>/platform-tools/adb install -r bin/droidsound-debug.apk" * Run "<sdk>/platform-tools/adb shell am start -n com.ssb.droidsound/.PlayerActivity"