
Debian12Nirvana provides XFCE configuration files for Debian 12, offering a customized desktop setup with themes, panels, and applications. Use these configurations to replicate this environment on your system or as a starting point for your own customizations.

MIT LicenseMIT


Welcome to Debian12nirvana! This repository contains the configuration files for my XFCE desktop environment on Debian 12. By sharing these configurations, I hope to help others achieve a similar setup or provide a starting point for their own customizations.


This repository includes the following files and directories:

  • xfce4_copy.tar.gz: A compressed file of the .config/xfce4 directory.
  • Wallpaper_1920x1080.png: 1920x1080P resolution wallpaper.
  • README.md: This file.
  • Screenshot.png: A screenshot of the desktop environment.


Here's a preview of the desktop environment:


The background is from Mohammad Alizade, can be cuztomized on here.


Ensure you have the following software installed:

  • Debian 12 with XFCE desktop environment.
  • Basic command-line knowledge.


To use the configurations in this repository, follow these steps:

1. Clone the Repository

Clone the repository to your local machine using the following command:

git clone https://github.com/yourusername/Debian12nirvana.git

2. Extract the Compressed File

Navigate to the cloned repository directory and extract the xfce4_copy.tar.gz file:

cd Debian12nirvana tar -xzvf xfce4_copy.tar.gz -C ~/.config/

3. Backup Existing Configurations (Optional)

If you have existing XFCE configurations, it is recommended to back them up before copying the new ones:

mv ~/.config/xfce4 ~/.config/xfce4_backup

4. Apply the New Configurations

Move the extracted xfce4_copy directory to your .config directory and rename it to xfce4:

mv ~/.config/xfce4_copy ~/.config/xfce4

5. Restart XFCE

Restart your XFCE session or reboot your system to apply the new configurations.


After restarting, your desktop should reflect the new configurations. Check for the following:

•	The desktop environment resembles the screenshot provided.
•	Custom themes and panels are applied correctly.


If you encounter issues, consider the following steps:

•	Ensure you followed all steps correctly.
•	Check file permissions using ls -l ~/.config/xfce4.
•	Restore the backup configuration if necessary.

Restoring Original Settings

To revert to your original settings, restore the backup:

mv ~/.config/xfce4_backup ~/.config/xfce4

Then restart your XFCE session.


If you have any improvements or suggestions, feel free to create a pull request or open an issue.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


Thanks to the XFCE community and all contributors who help make this desktop environment amazing.

Happy customizing!