
App, Utility and Function Launcher for PowerShell.

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App, Utility and Function Launcher for PowerShell.


PowerShellRun is a PowerShell module that lets you fuzzy search applications, utilities and functions you define and launch them with ease. It is a customizable launcher app on the PowerShell terminal.


Install-Module -Name PowerShellRun -Scope CurrentUser


  • Windows or macOS
  • PowerShell 7 or newer

Quick Start

Enable-PSRunEntry -Category All

This code enables entries of all categories and opens up this TUI:


Type characters to search entries and hit Enter to launch the selected item. There are some other actions that can be performed depending on the item. Hit Ctrl+k to open the Action Window and see what actions are available.


You can assign a shortcut key to quickly launch PowerShellRun.

Set-PSRunPSReadLineKeyHandler -Chord 'Ctrl+j'

Entry Categories

There are some entry categories that you can selectively enable by passing an array of the category names to Enable-PSRunEntry.

Enable-PSRunEntry -Category Function, Favorite

・🚀 Application

Installed applications are listed by the Application category. You can launch (or launch as admin on Windows) the application by pressing the action key.

・🔧 Executable

Executable files under the PATH are listed by Executable category. You can invoke them on the same console where PowerShellRun is running.

・🔎 Utility

Currently, we have only one utility entry defined by PowerShellRun.

File Manager (PSRun) navigates the folder hierarchy from the current directory using the PowerShellRun TUI.


On the file entries, there is an action described as "Edit with Default Editor". You can customize the script for this action like below:

Set-PSRunDefaultEditorScript -ScriptBlock {
    param ($path)
    & code $path

・📁 Favorite

You can register folders or files that you frequently access. The available actions are the same as the ones in File Manager (PSRun).

Add-PSRunFavoriteFolder -Path 'D:/PowerShellRun'
Add-PSRunFavoriteFile -Path 'D:/PowerShellRun/README.md' -Icon '📖' -Preview @"
💖 This is a custom preview 💖


・📝 Function

The ability to call PowerShell functions is what makes PowerShellRun special. The functions defined between Start-PSRunFunctionRegistration and Stop-PSRunFunctionRegistration are registered as entries. The scope of the functions needs to be global so that PowerShellRun can call them.


# git pull with rebase option.
function global:GitPullRebase() {
    git pull --rebase
# ... Define functions here as many as you want.



SYNOPSIS or DESCRIPTION in the comment based help is used as a description of the entry. You can also optionally specify parameters using the COMPONENT. It uses ConvertFrom-StringData to extract the parameters.

git pull with rebase option.

    Icon = 🌿
    Preview = This is a custom preview.\nNew lines need to be written like this.)
function global:GitPullRebase() {
    git pull --rebase


It's even possible to open PowerShellRun's TUI inside a registered function entry using the commands described in the following section. To create a pseudo nested menu, we recommend that you use Restore-PSRunFunctionParentSelector command to restore the parent menu with Backspace key. File Manager (PSRun) is a good example of the nested menu.

function global:OpenNestedMenu() {
    $option = [PowerShellRun.SelectorOption]::new()
    $option.QuitWithBackspaceOnEmptyQuery = $true

    $result = Get-ChildItem | ForEach-Object {
        $entry = [PowerShellRun.SelectorEntry]::new()
        $entry.UserData = $_
        $entry.Name = $_.Name
    } | Invoke-PSRunSelectorCustom -Option $option

    if ($result.KeyCombination -eq 'Backspace') {
    # ... Other key handlings here


You can customize PowerShellRun's behavior and themes through options. Create a SelectorOption instance and pass it to Set-PSRunDefaultSelectorOption.

$option = [PowerShellRun.SelectorOption]::new()
$option.Prompt = 'Type words👉 '
$option.QuitWithBackspaceOnEmptyQuery = $true
Set-PSRunDefaultSelectorOption $option

・Key Bindings

Key bindings are stored in $option.KeyBinding. You can set a string of KeyModifier and Key concatenated with + to the key.

$keyBinding = $option.KeyBinding
$keyBinding.QuitKeys = @(
$keyBinding.MarkerKeys = 'Ctrl+f'


The theme can be customized with $option.Theme property. We hope someone creates a cool theme library for PowerShellRun🙏.

$default = [PowerShellRun.FontColor]::FromHex('#CBCCC6')
$gray = [PowerShellRun.FontColor]::FromHex('#707070')
$highlight = [PowerShellRun.FontColor]::FromHex('#61FFCA')
$focusHighlight = [PowerShellRun.FontColor]::FromHex('#4CBF99')
$roundBorder = [PowerShellRun.BorderSymbol]::new()
$roundBorder.TopLeft = ''
$roundBorder.TopRight = ''
$roundBorder.BottomLeft = ''
$roundBorder.BottomRight = ''

$option.Prompt = ' '
$theme = $option.Theme
$theme.CanvasHeightPercentage = 80
$theme.Cursor = ''
$theme.IconEnable = $false
$theme.PreviewPosition = [PowerShellRun.PreviewPosition]::Right
$theme.CanvasBorderFlags = [PowerShellRun.BorderFlag]::All
$theme.SearchBarBorderFlags = [PowerShellRun.BorderFlag]::None
$theme.CanvasBorderSymbol = $roundBorder
$theme.PreviewBorderSymbol = $roundBorder
$theme.DefaultForegroundColor = $default
$theme.CanvasBorderForegroundColor = $gray
$theme.PromptForegroundColor = $gray
$theme.PreviewBorderForegroundColor = $gray
$theme.EntryScrollBarForegroundColor = $gray
$theme.PreviewScrollBarForegroundColor = $gray
$theme.CursorForegroundColor = $highlight
$theme.NameHighlightForegroundColor = $highlight
$theme.DescriptionHighlightForegroundColor = $highlight
$theme.NameFocusHighlightBackgroundColor = $focusHighlight
$theme.DescriptionFocusHighlightBackgroundColor = $focusHighlight


PowerShellRun as a Generic Selector

The underlying fuzzy selector in PowerShellRun is accessible with the following commands.


Invoke-PSRunSelector is designed to be used interactively on the terminal. It takes an array of objects and returns objects. It uses Name, Description and Preview properties of the object by default but you can change them with parameters like -NameProperty, -DescriptionProperty and -PreviewProperty.

Get-ChildItem | Invoke-PSRunSelector -DescriptionProperty FullName -MultiSelection


-Expression parameter is useful if you need to build custom strings.

Get-ChildItem | Invoke-PSRunSelector -Expression {@{
    Name = $_.Name
    Preview = Get-Item $_ | Out-String


Invoke-PSRunSelectorCustom offers you a full access to the selector and is designed to create your own tool. It takes an array of SelectorEntry instances and returns a SelectorResult object. A SelectorResult object holds information such as the selected entry and the pressed key.

PS> Get-ChildItem | ForEach-Object {
    $entry = [PowerShellRun.SelectorEntry]::new()
    $entry.UserData = $_
    $entry.Name = $_.Name
    $entry.Preview = $_.FullName
} | Invoke-PSRunSelectorCustom

FocusedEntry                MarkedEntries KeyCombination Context
------------                ------------- -------------- -------
PowerShellRun.SelectorEntry               Enter          PowerShellRun.SelectorContext

By using PreviewAsyncScript, it's even possible to show information that takes some time to generate without blocking the UI. If you have bat installed for syntax highlighting, you can build a Select-String viewer with this script:

$word = Read-Host 'Type word to search for'
$filter = Read-Host 'Type path filter (e.g. "*.cs")'

$option = [PowerShellRun.SelectorOption]::new()
$option.Prompt = "Searching for word '{0}'> " -f $word

$matchLines = Get-ChildItem $filter -Recurse | Select-String $word
$result = $matchLines | ForEach-Object {
    $entry = [PowerShellRun.SelectorEntry]::new()
    $entry.UserData = $_
    $entry.Name = '{0}:{1}' -f $_.Filename, $_.LineNumber
    $entry.Description = $_.Path
    $entry.PreviewAsyncScript = {
        & bat --color=always --highlight-line $match.LineNumber $match.Path
    $entry.PreviewAsyncScriptArgumentList = $_
    $entry.PreviewInitialVerticalScroll = $_.LineNumber
} | Invoke-PSRunSelectorCustom -Option $option

$match = $result.FocusedEntry.UserData
if ($match -and ($result.KeyCombination -eq 'Enter')) {
    $argument = '{0}:{1}' -f $match.Path, $match.LineNumber
    code --goto $argument


Major Limitations

  • No history support
  • Some emojis break the rendering


Changelog is available here.


Code of Conduct

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PowerShellRun uses:

Heavily inspired by: