
CMS by Unity WebGL.

Primary LanguageC#

#Unidon SS

1 push to generate website.
Unidon is static WebSite generater using Unity WebGL.


##Automatic Website Generation Unidon makes these ops automatically. this sequence contains WebGL Build.

  • Scene -> Page convert
  • make AssetBundle for each scenes.
  • Load Index page when browse.

Only push Menu > Unidon > Publish Site SS Your websites are located at YOUR_PROJECT/UnidonWeb folder. let's locate it to your site. e.g. Dropbox.

##Update page datas Fast! Menu > Unidon > Build Contents

Unidon can update all page resources without WebGL Build.
It's significantly fast.

##Installation use UnidonInstaller.unitypackage

##Lightweight as possible Unidon basically takes 4.4MB js resources. it contains uGUI and controller code resources.

not featherweight yet. ああ、、鳥とかになりたい。

##About rule of Contents Unity's standard uGUI features are supported.
You can easily make your assets to web things.

but 2 rules exists.

  1. Your Unity project should be in Assets/UnidonContents folder.
  2. contents should keep naming rule. Assets/UnidonContents/MY_CONTENT/MY_CONTENT.unity
  3. Index/Index.unity is also editable, but should not rename it.

##APIS(How to load page by script) Unidon has some APIS for loading pages.

###back to index page


###go to other scene

var sceneName = "page1";// lower case of your scene name. without ".unity" extension.

##Motivation no more javascript. --just kidding.

I like compilable-web. Unity + WebGL is just for doing it.

  • Keep loading fast. start page should be shown asap.
  • Keep size small. it's desired but not enough yet.
  • Can control like HTML sites.

##Caution It's not production level yet.

##License MIT.