

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT

The FeedStore challenge - iOSLeadEssentials.com

You are called to build your own persistence infrastructure implementation by creating a new component that conforms to the <FeedStore> protocol.

Your custom persistence infrastructure implementation can be backed by any persistence stack you wish, i.e. CoreData, Realm, in memory, etc, as shown in the diagram below.

Infrastructure Dependency Diagram


  1. Fork the latest version of this repository. Here's how forking works.

  2. Open the FeedStoreChallenge.xcodeproj project on Xcode 12.4 (you can use other Xcode versions by switching to the appropriate branch, e.g., xcode11, xcode12, xcode12_2, xcode12_3).

    • Do not change the indentation in the project.

    • Do not rename the existing classes and files.

  3. Implement one <FeedStore> implementation of your choice (CoreData, Realm, InMemory, etc.).

    • There shouldn't be any extra logic in the FeedStore implementation.
      • It should just obey to the retrieve/insert/delete commands.
  4. Use the Tests/FeedStoreChallengeTests.swift to validate your implementation.

    • Uncomment (CMD+/) and implement one test at a time following the TDD process:

      • Make the test pass, commit, and move to the next one.
    • While developing your solutions, run all tests with CMD+U.

  5. Errors should be handled accordingly.

    • There shouldn't be any force-unwrap ! or fatalError in production code.

    • There shouldn't be empty catch blocks.

    • There shouldn't be any print statements, such as print(error).

  6. If your implementation has failable operations (e.g., it might fail to load data from disk), uncomment and implement the failable test extensions at the bottom of the Tests/FeedStoreChallengeTests.swift test file.

  7. If your implementation persists data to disk (e.g., CoreData/Realm), you must use the Tests/FeedStoreIntegrationTests.swift to check this behavior. Uncomment and implement one test at a time following the TDD process: Make the test pass, commit, and move to the next one.

  8. When all tests are passing and you're done implementing your solution:

    • Create a Pull Request from your branch to the main challenge repo's matching branch.

      • For example, if you implemented the challenge using the xcode12_4 branch, your PR should be from your fork's xcode12_4 branch into the main repo's xcode12_4 branch (DO NOT MIX Xcode versions or you'll have merge conflicts!).
    • Use the name of your implementation as the title for the Pull Request, for example, CoreData implementation - Your name.

  9. Post a comment in the challenge page in the academy with the link to your PR, so we can review your solution and provide feedback.


  1. Aim to commit your changes every time you add/alter the behavior of your system or refactor your code.

  2. Aim for descriptive commit messages that clarify the intent of your contribution which will help other developers understand your train of thought and purpose of changes.

  3. The system should always be in a green state, meaning that in each commit all tests should be passing.

  4. The project should build without warnings.

  5. The code should be carefully organized and easy to read (e.g. indentation must be consistent).

  6. Make careful and proper use of access control, marking as private any implementation details that aren’t referenced from other external components.

  7. Aim to write self-documenting code by providing context and detail when naming your components, avoiding explanations in comments.

  8. Aim to declare dependencies explicitly, leveraging dependency injection wherever necessary.

  9. Aim not to block the main thread - run expensive operations in a background queue.

Happy coding!