
Using the data-driven content feature offered in SAS Visual Analytics, users can add Web Maps to their reports and integrate the results of their SAS-based analysis as discrete map layers

Primary LanguageTypeScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

SAS ArcGISWebMapProvider

3D Choropleth in VA

For an overview of this project from the perspective of a user, see the document "Using ArcGIS WebMaps in SAS Visual Analytics."

A pre-built deployment of the current version is available for use at https://cdn.developer.sas.com/geowebmap/1.5.2. Available versions include 1.5.2 and 1.4.0.


This project presents a web page with an ArcGIS map designed to serve as a data-driven content for reports built with SAS Visual Analytics. It is a fork from jsapi-resources, Esri's template for JS applications, using ArcGIS for JavaScript 4.x.


The built application is a collection of HTML and Javascript files that can be served from any web server. You may download a zip of these files (sas-visualanalytics-geowebmap.zip) from the Releases page.

Alternately, you can build and modify the code yourself with the following steps:

  • Download the project.
  • Open a command-line context at the project directory.
  • yarn install
  • yarn build
  • Copy the built application from the build directory to your web server's directory.


Yarn package manager.

Other options

Run yarn start to compile and then kick off a webpack-dev-server to host the results locally for immediate testing.

Note that create-react-app builds assume deployment at the web server's root directory. To deploy elsewhere, see React's "Building for Relative Paths". Also, refer to this project's setAbsolutePaths.sh script for setting the homepage.

GitHub Pages hosting

For incidental testing, you may use the version hosted by GitHub Pages at https://sassoftware.github.io/sas-visualanalytics-geowebmap/. However, due to quota constraints, that deployment has no guaranteed availability nor any expectation of support. Do not rely upon it for production use. Furthermore, now that a build is hosted on the SAS developer CDN, this deployment on GitHub Pages is deprecated.

Assets (styles, fonts, and images)

By default, ArcGIS JavaScript assets (approximately 40 MB) are distributed with the build. To distribute them most efficiently, the hosting web server should configure several mime types. An example .htaccess file is included. See developers.arcgis.com for further information.

To load them from arcgis.com instead, two changes are required. The relevant code has been flagged with the comment "ASSET SOURCE".



From SAS Visual Analytics, users can add a "Data-Driven Content" object to their report and set its "Web Content" url to the deployment directory. They can then use the supported query string arguments to customize the type and styling of the visualization layer in which the report data appears above the ArcGIS map.

Data-driven content aggregates report data. Keep this in mind when including location coordinate information, which is required for scatter and bubble plots. The default aggregation method for numeric columns is "sum", and summing coordinates (e.g, latitude and longitude) will produce values that cannot be geographically located. For these coordinate columns, either switch their aggregation type to something less disruptive (such as "average"), or take other steps to ensure that there is only one category value per location, so that no aggregation of their coordinates will occur. For instance, VA's "Geographic Items," when set to the data type "custom coordinates," protect against inappropriate aggregation, and their use is preferred.

Query string arguments

Argument Description
visualizationType Optional. Possible values include "scatter", "bubble", "choropleth," "filtered", or "none". If unspecified, the value will be inferred from other arguments or left as "scatter". Scatter plots, bubble plots, and choropleths appear as a SAS layer, capable of participating in filtering, interactions, and selection. "Filtered" layers simply include a named external feature layer filtered by geoId.
x The label of the column containing longitude expressed in the same terms as the base map. Defaults to "Longitude". Required for scatter and bubble visualizations.
y The label of the column containing latitude expressed in the same terms as the base map. Defaults to "Latitude". Required for scatter and bubble visualizations.
size The label of the column containing the size measurement. Required for bubble visualizations.
color The label of the column containing the color measurement. Optional for bubble and choropleth visualizations.
animation The label of the column containing the date used when animating through the data. Optional. Animations are not currently supported in choropleths or 3D views, and they should be considered experimental. It has been observed that performance degrades rapidly when the data's row count enters the tens of thousands. Acceptable date formats are those correctly interpreted by Moment, which include RFC2822 and ISO formats.
colorMin A hex, rgba, or named color for the minimum value of the range. Defaults to "#bfe4e7" (URL-encoded "%23bfe4e7"), which is equally valid to express, for example, as either "rgba(191,228,231,1)" or, approximately, "LightCyan".
colorMax A hex, rgba, or named color for the minimum value of the range. Defaults to "#00929f" (URL-encoded "%2300929f"). Also controls dot color for the scatter plot as well as default color for the choropleth (when no color column is assigned).
outline A hex, rgba, or named color for an outline on drawn shapes. Defaults to "#007E88" (URL-encoded "%23007E88"). Also controls highlight color for 3D views.
geoId The label of the column containing the geographic identifiers for the areas to be drawn. Required for choropleth and "filtered".
featureServiceUrl The url to the Esri feature service containing the shapes of the geographies identified by the geoId. Required for choropleth and "filtered".
featureServiceGeoId The name of the attribute in the Esri feature service that will match values found in the geoId column of the VA data. Required for choropleth and "filtered".
featureServiceWhere A where clause to be provided to the Esri feature service that filters results. Optional.
featureServiceMaxAllowableOffset The optional maxAllowableOffset provided to the feature service. Can be used to restrict the amount of detail (and thus transmission size) of the geographic shapes it returns. Use 0 to return highest detail.
portalItemId The ID for a web map served at arcgis.com. Optional. Defaults to basemap "osm" (OpenStreetMap).
portalToken The Esri token string that can be presented to the portal for access.
portalUrl The full URL to the portal hosting the portal item and validating the portalToken, if one is presented. Defaults to "http://www.arcgis.com". This feature is experimental.
basemap The ID for a basemap from arcgis.com (e.g., "streets", "satellite", "hybrid"). Optional. Defaults to basemap "osm" (OpenStreetMap). Ignored if portalItemId is set.
use3D Set to "true" to display the map in a 3D SceneView. Defaults to false. Note that some portal item types will display in a SceneView automatically.
title The title of the layer that includes VA data. Optional. Defaults to the geoId, if available, or to "SAS VA Layer", if not.
zIndex The index of the layer that includes VA data. Optional. Use "0" to insert the layer below all others. Defaults to the top-most level.
featuresMax The maximum number of features allowed in the SAS layer. Optional. If set, the user will receive a warning when the data's row count exceeds this number, and the SAS layer will be cleared.
period Defines the interval used to subdivide the animation date. Valid values are units of time accepted by Moment (e.g., "millisecond", "day", "month", "year"). Defaults to "year".
useSmartLegends Set to "true" to use Esri's "smart mapping" legends for color and size (where appropriate). Defaults to false. This feature is experimental.
useSampleData Set to "true" to load data from SampleData.json instead of VA. Useful for testing. Optional.
showBasemapSelector Set to "false" to hide the basemap selection widget. Defaults to true.

Example URLs (using sample data)

A simple scatter plot layer:


A simple bubble plot layer:


A choropleth drawing countries and joining on "NAME":


An "animated" scatter plot:


Other examples appear in the file examples.html.

Some useful Esri feature layers

Data-driven visualizations

Information about using data-driven visualizations in SAS Visual Analytics is found both at the repository supporting general third-party visualizations and at the post Programming Considerations for Data-Driven Visualizations.

At a high level, data-driven visualizations are HTML pages listening to the window's "message" event for data having a format similar to the following:

    data: {
        columns: [
            {name: "carColumnName", label: "car", type: "string"},
            {name: "priceColumnName", label: "price", type: "number"}
        data: [
            ["Ford", 1000],
            ["Toyota", 2000],
            ["BMW", 1500]
        resultName: "sasVAResultName",
        rowCount: 3

See SampleData.json for a more complete example.

Further information

Use of Esri's ArcGIS SDK is subject to their licensing requirements.

Notes from Esri's jsapi-resources projects

Please refer to Esri's sample project for information regarding the arcgis-js-api.