
A SSH/Telnet connector on the web.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

Sshwifty Web SSH Client

Web Interface

Sshwifty is a SSH client that provides a web interface. You can deploy it on your computer or server, so you can access SSH servers via any device that have a compatible (standard) web browser.

master Build status



You can download compiled binaries at Release section of the page.

Please noted that those binaries was generated by an automatic proccess, and the author of this project will NOT verify them. You have to try it at your owk risk.

Docker Image

If you have Docker installed on your machine, you can directly use the Docker image by executing following command:

$ docker run --detach \
  --restart=always \
  --publish 8182:8182 \
  --name sshwifty \

If you want to use TLS (HTTPS) with the Docker image and don't want to setup volumes, you can use SSHWIFTY_DOCKER_TLSCERT and SSHWIFTY_DOCKER_TLSCERTKEY environment variables when starting the container:

$ docker run --detach \
  --restart=always \
  --publish 8182:8182 \
  --env SSHWIFTY_DOCKER_TLSCERT="$(cat /path/to/domain.crt)"
  --env SSHWIFTY_DOCKER_TLSCERTKEY="$(cat /path/to/domain.key)"
  --name sshwifty \

/path/to/domain.crt and /path/to/domain.key must be valid TLS certificate and key file located on the machine which the docker run command is executed.

Compile from source code (Recommanded if you're a developer)

In order to use the source code, you need to install following tools:

  • git to download the source code
  • npm to compile front-end application
  • go to compile back-end application

After you have installed those tools, run following command to download the code to your computer, and start the build proccess:

$ git clone https://github.com/niruix/sshwifty
$ cd sshwifty
$ npm install
$ npm run build

If the command succeed, you will found the newly generated sshwifty binary under current working directory.

Deploy on the cloud

To deploy this project onto the cloud, Google App Engine or Heroku for example, you need to first download the source code, build it locally, then try to deploy it.

The npm run generate will generate all static files, then automatically call go generate ./... to bind those static files directly into program source code. You need those generated source code to get application to function. Also because of this, directly call go build . on the newly downloaded souce code will result a failure.


Sshwifty can be configured though either file or environment variables. By default, the configuration loader will try to load file from default paths first, then try environment variables.

You can also specify your own configuration file by setting SSHWIFTY_CONFIG environment variables. For example:

$ SSHWIFTY_CONFIG=./sshwifty.conf.json ./sshwifty

After that, Sshwifty will try to load the configuration from file ./sshwifty.conf.json, and never reach for configuration inside environment variables.

Configuration file

Here is the options that can be used in a configuration file and what it for:

  // HTTP Host. Keep it empty to accept request from all hosts
  "HostName": "localhost",

  // Web interface access password. Set to empty to allow public access

  // Socks5 proxy. When set, we will try to connect remote through the given
  // proxy
  "Socks5": "localhost:1080",

  // Username of the Socks5 server. Set when the Socks5 server requires login
  "Socks5User": "",

  // Password of the Socks5 server. Set when the Socks5 server requires login
  "Socks5Password": "",

  // Sshwifty HTTP server, you can set multiple ones to serve on different
  // ports
  "Servers": [
      // Which local interface this server will be listening
      "ListenInterface": "",

      // Which local port this server will be listening
      "ListenPort": 8182,

      // Timeout of initial request. HTTP handshake must be finished within
      // this time
      "InitialTimeout": 3,

      // How long the connection can be idle before the server disconnects the
      // client
      "ReadTimeout": 60,

      // How long the server will wait until the client connect is ready to
      // recieve new data
      "WriteTimeout": 60,

      // The interval between internal echo requests
      "HeartbeatTimeout": 20,

      // Forced delay between each request
      "ReadDelay": 10,

      // Forced delay between each write
      "WriteDelay": 10,

      // Path to TLS certificate file. Set empty to use HTTP
      "TLSCertificateFile": "",

      // Path to TLS certificate key file. Set empty to use HTTP
      "TLSCertificateKeyFile": ""
      "ListenInterface": "",
      "ListenPort": 8182,
      "InitialTimeout": 3,

sshwifty.conf.example.json is an example of a valid configuration file.

Environment variables

Valid environment variables are:


The option they represented is corresponded to their counterparts in the configuration file.

Notice: When you use environment variables to configure Sshwifty, only one Sshwifty HTTP server is then allowed. There is no way to setup mulitple servers by using this method. If you need to serve on multiple ports, use configuration file instead.

Be aware: An invalid value inside following environment variables will cause the value to be reset to default during configuration parsing without warning:



Code of this project is licensed under AGPL, see LICENSE.md for detail.

Third-party components used by this project are licensed under their respective license. See DEPENDENCIES.md for dependencies used by this project.


This is a hobbyist project, meaning I don't have too many time to put into it.

Upon release (Which is then you're able to read this file), this project will enter maintaining state, which includes doing bug fix and security updates. Adding new features however, is not a part of the state.

Please do not send pull request. If you need new feature, fork it, and maintain it like one of your own. Appreciated!
