
Primary LanguagePLSQL


Setting up the local dev environment

Source Code

Clone viite-repository from Github

git clone https://github.com/finnishtransportagency/viite.git


Install yarn Install node.js (you will get also npm)

npm install -g yarn

Fetch and install the dependencies needed by the UI

npm install && yarn install

Install grunt

npm install -g grunt-cli


Install PostGIS by downloading and installing it from here, or by using Docker Compose:

cd aws/local-dev/postgis
docker-compose up

or by running the aws/local-dev/postgis/start-postgis.sh script.

PostGIS server can be stopped with the aws/local-dev/postgis/stop-postgis.sh script.

Docker Compose installs and starts the PostGIS database server.

Read more about Viite PostGIS here

Required Integrations

Viite needs to get the links, the background maps and the coordinates for addresses from external systems. For these connections to work, open Väylä VPN and open SSH-tunnel with the needed port forwardings to a Väylä server.

  • 9180: Viite running in devtest environment (TODO: When we are fully in AWS, this needs to be changed.)
  • 8997: OAG

Idea Run Configurations

If you are developing with the IntelliJ Idea, you can import the run configurations by copying the xml-files from the aws/local-dev/idea-run-configurations folder to the .idea/runConfigurations folder (under the project folder). Restart Idea to see the new run configurations.

  • Flyway_init.xml
    • Initialize the database for Flyway by creating the schema_version table
  • Fixture_reset_test.xml
    • Empty the database, run the Flyway migrations, populate the database with the test data (required by the unit tests)
  • Flyway_migrate.xml
    • Run the Flyway migration scripts
  • Grunt_Server.xml
    • Start the frontend server
  • Grunt_Test.xml
    • Run the frontend tests
  • Server.xml
    • Run the backend server
  • Test.xml
    • Run the backend unit tests (needs the fixture reset test data)

Building and Running the Backend

Running the unit tests from Idea:

  • Run the "Test" sbt Task

Running the unit tests from the command line:

./sbt test

Running the backend from Idea:

  • Run the "Server" sbt Task

Running the backend from the command line in the development mode:

./sbt '~;container:start; container:reload /'

When developing locally, backend reads the properties from the conf/env.properties file.

Building and Running the Frontend

Building the frontend:


Running the tests from Idea:

  • run the "Grunt Test" task

Running the tests from the command line:

grunt test

Running the frontend server from Idea:

  • run the "Grunt Server" task

Running the frontend server from the command line:

grunt server

Running the "Grunt Server" task does the build, runs the tests and runs the frontend in the watch-mode.

Frontend server sends the requests to the backend server which needs to be running for the application to work.

UI will be available in this address: http://localhost:9003/.

Initializing the database

Empty database must be initialized for the Flyway by running the task "Flyway init" or by calling the Viite AdminAPI: http://localhost:8080/api/admin/flyway_init.

All the tables can be created and populated with the test data by running the task "Fixture reset test". TODO: nodes and junctions test data must be created too.

Flyway migrations can be run by running the task "Flyway migrate" or by calling the Viite AdminAPI: http://localhost:8080/api/admin/flyway_migrate. ("Fixture reset test" does this already.)

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