
Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

RHOBS Testing

A collection of scripts and tooling to enable testing of Observatorium on Kubernetes.

The load testing Job uses the k6 testing framework and the script has been adapted from Grafanas' Mimir load test.


Since observatorium-api requires authentication, we can deploy the token-refresher proxy in front of k6 to add an authorization header to each request.

Setup Token Refresher:

These examples use the namespace rhobs-testing but the commands and manifests can be edited accordingly.

Create a Secret:

kubectl -n rhobs-testing create secret generic token-refresher-oidc \
  --from-literal=audience=<aud> \
  --from-literal=clientID=<client_id> \
  --from-literal=issuerURL=<issuer_url> \

Deploy token-refresher:

kubectl -n rhobs-testing apply -f deploy/token-refresher/deploy.yaml

Expose token-refresher Service:

kubectl -n rhobs-testing apply -f deploy/token-refresher/service.yaml

Setup Prometheus:

k6 can remote-write Prometheus metrics from the test and the Job supports this. We can optionally deploy a Prometheus Custom Resource to act as a remote-write enabled endpoint to store these metrics.

Note, this requires prometheus-operator

Deploy Prometheus:

kubectl -n rhobs-testing apply -f deploy/prometheus-sink/run.yaml

Create the Secret:

kubectl -n rhobs-testing create secret generic remote-write-secret \

Tools & Scripts


You may want to snapshot the TSDB from the optionally deployed Prometheus for k6 metrics.

kubectl -n rhobs-testing exec prometheus-prometheus-0 -c prometheus -- sh -c 'wget  --post-data "" localhost:9090/api/v1/admin/tsdb/snapshot -O $RANDOM'
kubectl -n rhobs-testing cp rhobs-testing/prometheus-prometheus-0:/prometheus/snapshots .


After a test run, you may want to clean up the data. Observatorium uses a Thanos Receive backend which in turn writes to object storage. The script at cmd/janitor supports a clean-up of data from a provided list of StatefulSets, by scaling down the resource to zero and deleting any associated PersistentVolumeClaims as well as removal of objects from a s3 bucket.

An example config is provided below and can be run via:

go run cmd/janitor/main.go --config=/some/path/toFile.json

  "statefulsets": [
      "namespace": "observatorium-metrics",
      "name": "observatorium-thanos-receive-default",
      "waitMinutes": 3
  "awsConfig" : {
    "region": "eu-central-1",
    "bucketName": "some-bucket",
    "secretKey": "secret-key",
    "accessKey": "access-key"