
Heroku Application Error

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@tonybutzer the correct url should be I agree the error message is not ๐Ÿ‘Œ

Hi @tonybutzer thanks for bringing this up.

The API URL that should be set for sat-search (with the SATUTILS_API_URL environment variable) is the root URL of the API, so in this case
sat-search will automatically use the correct search endpoint. Not sure if that's your problem or not.

I'm about to make some minor updates to sat-search to use sat-stac 0.2, and I'll run through the tutorial and see if I can replicate.

So this is an intermittent error, it seems like it's something with your deployment of sat-api.
You aren't seeing this problem with either of these are you?

Hmm, I wonder if it's respecting the URL, as the error says heroku, and sat-api isn't deployed on heroku. Maybe it's still using your other endpoint?

You can run sat-search with the -v command. -v 4 I think should print up additional debug info, such as the endpoints when it makes request.

Also, you can use the --found option, that will just make a request to get total number of hits, and won't get the results, which can be faster if just seeing if there are hits.

Ok, I finally got around to trying this out, and I am also getting this error, and I find it very confusing because last I knew sat-api was not using heroku, it's deployed on AWS and uses API Gateway.

Will revisit this tomorrow and figure it out.
@tonybutzer you can also try, it doesn't have the complete historical archive of landsat and sentinel yet, but should have everything from the last 6 months (plus CBERS-4 data).

@tonybutzer I think this might have been resolved? I think it was an issue with how the domain was being hosted.

Hi there. I have now the same issue during search.items() Is it a temporary problem?
UPD: Yes, temporary.

This was due to intermittent issues with DevSeed's hosting of, closing