
--a simple DropBox class written in python which suits backup scripts using DropBox accounts as storage--

Primary LanguagePython

A simple DropBoxClass which currently can login, upload file and get available space on a Dropbox account

Kind of what you need if you use Dropbox for instance as an backup area.

Basically the upload file method is modified one from jncratons repo 'PythonDropboxUploader', though I needed
to maintain an state for several upload operations and thought it suited me better to rewrite his code as an object instead, added with available space method. 

Also I prefer to use Pythons logging class instead of regular print outs, so that also changed :-)

The program uses both mechanize and BeautifulSoup, it won't work otherwise.

Also the web interface of Dropbox doesn't allow files larger than 350 MB to be uploaded.