This bundle provides a contact form in Symfony2.
This bundle is available under the MIT license.
This version of the bundle requires Symfony 2.3+.
If you wish to use default texts provided in this bundle, you have to make sure you have translator enabled in your config.
# app/config/config.yml
translator: ~
For more information about translations, check Symfony documentation.
This bundle requires the GenemuFormBundle for an easy captcha integration, so you need to configure it.
Installation is a quick 6 step process:
- Download MremiContactBundle using composer
- Enable the Bundle
- Create your Contact class (optional)
- Configure the MremiContactBundle
- Import MremiContactBundle routing
- Update your database schema (optional)
Add MremiContactBundle in your composer.json:
"require": {
"mremi/contact-bundle": "dev-master"
Now tell composer to download the bundle by running the command:
$ php composer.phar update mremi/contact-bundle
Composer will install the bundle to your project's vendor/mremi
Enable the bundle in the kernel:
// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...
new Mremi\ContactBundle\MremiContactBundle(),
The goal of this bundle is not to persist some Contact
class to a database,
but you can if you want just by setting the store_data
parameter to true
(default false
So if you don't need to do this, you can jump to the next step.
Your first job, then, is to create the Contact
class for your application.
This class can look and act however you want: add any properties or methods you
find useful. This is your Contact
The bundle provides base classes which are already mapped for most fields to make it easier to create your entity. Here is how you use it:
- Extend the base
class from theEntity
folder - Map the
field. It must be protected as it is inherited from the parent class.
For now, only Doctrine ORM is handled by this bundle (any PR will be appreciated :) ).
// src/Acme/ContactBundle/Entity/Contact.php
namespace Acme\ContactBundle\Entity;
use Mremi\ContactBundle\Entity\Contact as BaseContact;
class Contact extends BaseContact
* @var integer
protected $id;
<!-- src/Acme/ContactBundle/Resources/config/doctrine/Contact.orm.xml -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<doctrine-mapping xmlns=""
<entity name="Acme\ContactBundle\Entity\Contact"
<id name="id" column="id" type="integer">
<generator strategy="AUTO" />
The bundle comes with a sensible default configuration, which is listed below. However you have to configure at least the recipient address.
# app/config/config.yml
store_data: false
contact_class: Mremi\ContactBundle\Model\Contact
type: mremi_contact
name: contact_form
validation_groups: [Default]
subject_provider: mremi_contact.subject_provider.noop
captcha_disabled: false
captcha_type: genemu_captcha # or genemu_recaptcha
mailer: mremi_contact.mailer.twig_swift
template: MremiContactBundle:Contact:email.txt.twig
Now that you have activated and configured the bundle, all that is left to do is import the MremiContactBundle routing file.
By importing the routing file you will have ready access the contact form.
# app/config/routing.yml
resource: "@MremiContactBundle/Resources/config/routing.xml"
Or if you prefer XML:
<!-- app/config/routing.xml -->
<import resource="@MremiContactBundle/Resources/config/routing.xml"/>
In order to use the built-in email functionality, you must activate and configure the SwiftmailerBundle.
If you configured the data storage (step 3), you can now update your database schema.
If you want to first see the create table query:
$ app/console doctrine:schema:update --dump-sql
Then you can run it:
$ app/console doctrine:schema:update --force
You can now access to the contact form at
If your are in debug mode (see your front controller), the HTML5 validation can be disabled by adding
to the URL.
Bootstrap framework v3.0.2 is loaded and used in templates provided by this bundle.
If you want to customize some parts of this bundle (views for instance), read the Symfony documentation.
The contact controller dispatches 3 events during the index action:
- ContactEvents::FORM_INITIALIZE occurs when the form is initialized
- ContactEvents::FORM_SUCCESS occurs when the form is submitted successfully
- ContactEvents::FORM_COMPLETED occurs after saving the contact in the contact form process
Each one allows you to customize the default workflow provided by this bundle.
Any question or feedback? Open an issue and I will try to reply quickly.
A feature is missing here? Feel free to create a pull request to solve it!
I hope this has been useful and has helped you. If so, share it and recommend it! :)