
The problem of handwriting recognition is to interpret intelligible handwritten input automatically, which is of great interest in the pattern recognition research community because of its applicability to many fields towards more convenient input devices and more efficient data organization and processing. We have to code a complete digit recognizer and test it on the MNIST digit dataset. As a benchmark for testing classification algorithms, the MNIST dataset has been widely used to design novel handwritten digit recognition systems. The dataset consists of 70,000 gray scale images, each of size 784. The recognizer is supposed to read the image data, extract features from it and use a k-nearest neighbor classifier to recognize any test image. To carry out the experiments, we need to randomly divide it into two partitions - training and testing. The training set is used to create the classifier and test set is used to determine the accuracy.




I have implemented the Hand written digit Recognizer in the following way-

  1. Reading and Preprocessing of the image
  2. Feature Extraction
  3. KNN Classification

First in order to read the images we invoke following functions from matlab:

[BW_train, label_train] = readDigitData_bw('train',per_train); [BW_test, label_test] = readDigitData_bw('test',per_test);

This is for reading the image matrices in binarized and cleaned form. trainData/testData are matrices of size MN where M is number of samples and N is dimensionality of image. In this case since images are of fixed size 2828, N=784. M depends on what % of random data you are taking. trainLabel/testLabel are the class labels for each M samples, thus of size M*1 with entry 0-9. per_train/per_test are the percentages of train/test samples we want to read.

Next we extract the features by invoking the following functions from matlab:

[feature_train] = feature_x(BW_train); [feature_test] = feature_x(BW_test);

feature_train/feature_test are matrices of size M*N where M is the number of samples and N is the size of the feature vector. BW_train/BW_test are the image matrices that we get as output from the readDigitData_bw() function. The name of the function is feature_x() where x stands for a specific feature name. In our case, x can take the following values-

  • template
  • histogramProjection
  • zoning
  • endpoints
  • gradientHistogram

Finally, we invoke the function for K-Nearest Neighbor Classification by sending these feature vectors, the labels and the value for k as parameters. Here is an example of invoking the function for 5-NN:


accuracy is the percentage of correctly classified samples among all the input samples. Similarly, error is the percentage of misclassified samples among all the input samples. The function also computes the confusion matrix. It is a 10x10 matrix showing the percentage of correctly classified as well as misclassified samples.