
  1. SSH into the AWS instance assigned to you (posted in chat).

    • ssh ubuntu@<instance>
    • Ask Clint for the password.
  2. Run the script 'create_record_set.sh' located in the home directory and answer question.

    • Example:
      $ What is your first name? john
      Creating DNS record: john.mtec-hosting.net
          "ChangeInfo": {
              "Id": "/change/C1041944DHHYZW6RQTN4",
              "Status": "PENDING",
              "SubmittedAt": "2021-10-13T02:21:39.164Z",
              "Comment": "CREATE/DELETE/UPSERT a record "
      DNS record created successfully.
        Domain: john.mtec-hosting.net
        Public IP:
  3. Use the instructions found here to create your certificates. Start with step #3.

    • Make sure you use the Domain from step two to create your certificates.
    • When you get to step #7, choose the first command.
  4. Pull down certificate and inspect it with a browser:

    • scp ubuntu@>instance>:/path/to/certificate/on/server /location/to/store/certificate/locally
    • Open with a browser.