how to run this app.

  • clone the repo
  • move to folder BRAIN TUMOR DETECTION,
  • create a virtual env using virtualenv 'envirnoment name'.
  • Now type . \Scripts\activate to activate your virtualenv venv
  • install packages required by the app by running the command pip install -r requirments.txt if you found error of torch or torch-vision libraries so your can download it from below commands. for windows cpu torch library command with conda: conda install pytorch torchvision cpuonly -c pytorch for windows cpu torch library command with pip: pip install torch==1.6.0+cpu torchvision==0.7.0+cpu -f

For Linux, Mac,CUDA version for windows and much more you can visit Link

  • now run the app using flask run.
  • if all things works fine so you can view running web application in your browser at port 5000.

Download the model file from and add to model directory in order to run the project.