
This repository contains the code for a simple Artificial Intelligence ChatBot implemented using HTML, JavaScript, and the Eel library. The ChatBot interface is designed to engage in conversations and respond to user inputs dynamically.


  • User-Friendly Interface: The interface includes a header with a personalized greeting and a logo. The ChatBot itself is represented by an icon that users can click to open the chat box.

  • Conversation Display: The chat box displays the ongoing conversation between the user and the ChatBot. Messages are dynamically updated and scrolled for better user experience.

  • Input Form: Users can interact with the ChatBot by typing messages into the input form. The form is designed to be responsive, and the user can submit their input by pressing the "▶" button.


  1. Clone the repository to your local machine.

    git clone https://github.com/navaneethakrishnan2004/voice-assistant.git
  2. Open the index.html file in a web browser or use a local server to serve the files.

  3. Interact with the ChatBot by clicking on the chat icon and typing messages in the input form.


  • CSS: The jquery.convform.css file contains styles for the conversation form.

  • JavaScript:

    • eel.js: External script for Eel library integration.
    • main.js: The main JavaScript file containing the logic for handling user input and managing the conversation.
  • Images: The images directory contains the icon used for the logo.


Feel free to contribute, report issues, or use this code as a starting point for your AI ChatBot project!