
Primary LanguagePythonBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause


This glue together upstream/downstream review and bugzilla status.

It gives advices on the bugzilla state after having collected the state of upstream and downstream review.

It can dumps the current state in a pickle file to be able to query different status quickly.

All command should be self explanatory:

rh-nexttask --help
Usage: rh-nexttask [OPTIONS]

  --query TEXT       Which query to use. Use "list" to get the in the filter
  --queryfile PATH   Filter definition file to use.
  --tokenfile PATH   Tokenfile to use, default to ~/.bugzillatoken
  --render TEXT      Renderer to use, can be repeated.  Default to echo.  Use
                     "list" to get their names.
  --show TEXT        Show only those states. Can be repeated.  Default to
                     None.  Use "list" to get their names.  Can be inverted by
                     prefixing with "no-"
  --user TEXT        Show only the bz belonging to that user email.
  --debug INTEGER    Developer option.  Enable debug console on the specified
                     bz id.
  --bz-id INTEGER    Get advice on this bug.  Will take precedence on other
                     query options.
  --dump TEXT        dump all the bz (pickle) in a file for later re-use with
  --restore PATH     dump all the bz (pickle) in a file for later re-use with
  --log-level TEXT   Log level to use: debug, info
  --dump-query TEXT  Dump the metric. Give a tag (no space txt) as argument.
  --help             Show this message and exit.

The render and show create the list of available option when you use the "list" options.

You need a valid bugzilla token file. You can easily get one using

bugzilla login

from the python-bugzilla package.


Get the state of all bugzillas and save it in a pickle file.

rh-nexttask --query all-upgrade --queryfile ~/Src/python-rh-nexttask/data/filter.ini_sample --dump /tmp/all-upgrade.data > /tmp/all-bugs.txt

See the data/filter.ini_sample to see what the --query parameter matches.

Get all the bz that need to be move to post using the previously generate pickle file.

rh-nexttask --restore /tmp/all-upgrade.data --show need_post

Get all current blocker bug list which are under POST:

rh-nexttask --restore /tmp/all-upgrade.data --show need_blocker_attention --show no-need_other_dfg_attention  --render echo_under_post

Get all untriaged bug:

rh-nexttask --restore /tmp/all-upgrade.data --show need_triage --show no-need_other_dfg_attention

Get the list of upstream code that needs review associted with blocker bugs

rh-nexttask --restore /tmp/all-upgrade.data --show need_blocker_attention --show no-need_other_dfg_attention  --render tripleo_meeting

Get the list of downstream review that need review:

rh-nexttask --restore /tmp/all-upgrade.data   --render daily_meeting

Get the list of bz that have all code merged and must be moved to POST:

rh-nexttask --restore /tmp/all-upgrade.data --show need_post

And many (too much) more, look at the

rh-nexttask --show list
rh-nexttask --render list


Currently you can't logically and the "--show" filter.