P532assignment1 Overview

Assignment 1 consists of building a Breakout game using Java and JavaFX. The minimum requirements is a functional paddle, ball, brick, and timer. Based on what has been discussed in class/book reading we attempted building this project using the Observer Pattern and Strategy Pattern. We also used the Singleton Pattern even though it wasn't discussed in class yet.

Instructions To Run

Built using the Eclipse IDE. Written in Java and JavaFX. For setting up JavaFX projects in Eclipse please visit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bk28ytggz7E. This may be necessary in order for you to run this project.

  1. Import the project to your workspace via File->Import
  2. In the Import Window select "Existing Projects into Workspace"
  3. Navigate to wherever you unzipped or cloned this project and select Finish.
  4. Hit the Run button and enjoy!