
Primary LanguageTypeScript

intersecta js

Add an animation effect on a DOM element triggered by scrolling using only JavaScript.

Try demo

No external libs only WebAPI. It is supported on most modern browsers. However, for more detailed browser compatibility check:


  1. Getting started
  2. Options
  3. Animations
  4. Easing
  5. Custom animation
  6. Events

Getting started


npm install --save intersecta
yarn add intersecta


Import intersecta to your file

import intersecta from "intersecta"

Just start intersecta initializing it with your options object. It only requires the CSS selector for the element you want to animate on scroll.

  selector: '.item'

Add whichever options you want to customize it.

  selector: '.item',
  once: false,
  animation: 'fadeOut',


Initializing intersecta returns a stop method to remove the observer on all the elements it tracks any time you want.

const trackItems = intersecta({
  selector: '.item',
  once: false,
  animation: 'fadeOut',



Name Type Default Description
selector string null Required. CSS selector for the observed element.
threshold number 1 A number between 0.0 and 1.0, specifying a ratio of intersection area to total bounding box area to trigger the event.
animation string "fadeIn" Name of the animation, choose one among the options or use the custom option.
duration number 1000 Number of milliseconds the animation takes to complete.
delay number 0 Number of milliseconds to delay the start of the animation.
easing string "linear" Rate of the animation's change over time.
once boolean true Allows animation to be reapeated everytime the element enters. Can't be used with animations that can cause a duplicate enter trigger, like: slideDown, slideUp or zoomIn.
waterfall boolean false When selector applies to many elements, it allows a waterfall delay set by delay option. If no delay is set, it will default to 100ms increase.
custom object null Use any animation you want using this option. It will override the animation option. Check docs for valid options.


  • fadeIn
  • fadeOut
  • zoomIn
  • zoomOut
  • slideDown
  • slideUp
  • slideLeft
  • slideRight
  • flipLeft
  • flipRight


Accepts the pre-defined values:

  • "linear"
  • "ease"
  • "ease-in"
  • "ease-out"
  • "ease-in-out"

Or a custom "cubic-bezier" value like:

  • "cubic-bezier(0.42, 0, 0.58, 1)"

Custom animation

Use the custom option to pass the frames of any animations you want. It will override the animation option, giving priority your customized animation.

It can be as easy as an array of objects with CSS properties.

const customFrames = [ 
  { // from
    opacity: 0,
    color: "#fff"
  { // to
    opacity: 1,
​   color: "#ff6347"

  selector: '.item',
  once: false,
  custom: customFrames,

Check more valid keyframe formats here.


Two events are added to the elements that intersecta observes:

  • intersecta:in - When element enters.
  • intersecta:out - When element exits. You can add any callback you want.
const element = document.querySelector('.item');

// event for when element enters
element.addEventListener('intersecta:in', () => {
  // your code here