
Repo for student submissions for 6th iteration of Boston Data Science Course

General Assembly Data Science Student Repository

Repo for student submissions for 6th iteration of Boston Data Science Course

For DS_BOS_06: https://github.com/pburkard88/DS_BOS_06

Fork this repo and add your assignments according the following directory structure: <Name>/<Assignment#>

This is a simple markdown file!

Open Readme.md in a text editor to see how it's formatted

For details on markdown see: http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/

How to submit assignments

  1. Fork the students repository: https://github.com/pburkard88/DS_BOS_06_Students
  2. Add your own folder with the format FirstnameLastName within the root folder of that repository. (example: DS_BOS_06_Students/PaulBurkard).
  3. Add your own Readme to that folder (git doesn't track empty folders by default)
  4. Commit your changes
  5. Submit a pull request with your newly commited directory. Github has a great tutorial on this here: https://help.github.com/articles/using-pull-requests/.