
Read a plist file, write out any embedded plist files

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause


Read a plist file, write out any embedded plist files.

Output Files

Embedded plist files are written with the same filename up to the .plist filename extension, adding the key name representing the embedded plist data at the end of the filename (e.g. the embedded plist data in the key dndEffectiveOverrides in the com.apple.nano.plist file will produce a new file called com.apple.nano-dndEffectiveOverrides.plist. If the filename already exists, a sequential identifier is added to the filename (-1, -2, -3, etc.) Output files are written in the current working directory when the plistsubtractor script is run.


$ ls com.apple.nano.plist
$ plistsubtractor.py com.apple.nano.plist
Writing com.apple.nano-dndEffectiveOverrides.plist
$ ls -l com.apple.nano*
-rw-r--r--  1 jwright  staff   764 Dec 26 19:35 com.apple.nano-dndEffectiveOverrides.plist
-rw-r--r--  1 jwright  staff  1046 Dec 26 16:21 com.apple.nano.plist

You can specify multiple filenames in one command:

$ ls
com.apple.Accessibility.plist       com.apple.NanoMail.plist            com.apple.companionappd.plist       com.apple.nano.plist
com.apple.Carousel.plist            com.apple.NanoMusicSync.plist       com.apple.healthd.plist             com.apple.nanopassbook.plist
com.apple.ET.plist                  com.apple.ToneLibrary.plist         com.apple.mobilecal.plist           com.apple.nanosystemsettings.plist
com.apple.MobileSMS.plist           com.apple.bulletinboard.apps.plist  com.apple.mobilephone.plist         com.apple.stockholm.plist
$ plistsubtractor.py *.plist
Writing com.apple.Carousel-IconPositions.plist
Writing com.apple.NanoMail-NanoMailIncludeMail.plist
Writing com.apple.mobilephone-kVoicemailForReplicationKey.plist
Writing com.apple.nano-dndEffectiveOverrides.plist

Combined with find, whee!

$ find ~/Library/ -type f -name \*.plist -print0 | xargs -0 plistsubtractor.py
Writing Saved Status-Saved Status Array.plist
Writing Info-iBooks Data 2.plist
Writing Info-iBooks Data 2-1.plist
Writing Info-iBooks Data 2-2.plist
Writing Info-iBooks Data 2-3.plist
Writing Info-iBooks Data 2-4.plist
Writing Info-iBooks Data 2-5.plist
Writing Info-iBooks Data 2-6.plist
Writing Info-iBooks Data 2-7.plist
Writing Saved Status-Saved Status Array-1.plist
Writing com.apple.commerce.knownclients-com.apple.appstore:453.plist
Writing com.apple.commerce.knownclients-com.apple.appstore:376.plist
Writing com.apple.commerce.knownclients-com.apple.appstore:459.plist
Writing com.apple.commerce.knownclients-com.apple.ibooks:453.plist
Writing com.apple.commerce.knownclients-com.apple.ibooks:376.plist
Writing Info-FFSegmentStoreStoredFrameIndexes.plist
Writing Info-FFSegmentStoreStoredFrameIndexes-1.plist
Writing Info-FFSegmentStoreStoredFrameIndexes-2.plist


Joshua Wright, @joswr1ght, jwright@hasborg.com