

Primary LanguageSwift

Target iOS Case Study

You have been given an proof-of-concept iOS project that displays, simply, a list of things. Your goal is to expand on the app to display a list of deals currently offered by Target, and to provide additional detailed information on those deals.

  1. Fix up the deals list to (as best as you can) match the mockups shown in DealsList.png.
  2. Instead of displaying an alert when a deal is selected, instead present a new view that displays details on the view. Use the mockups shown in DealsDetails.png.
  3. The deals are currently hardcoded. Use the API at https://target-deals.herokuapp.com (this may be slow to load) to grab the real deals to display in the app.
  4. Do something interesting! Add something to the app you think can really make it fun to use.
Some guidelines
  • This project uses a light but powerful presentation framework called "Tempo".

Do your best to read, understand, and adapt the pattern. If you find it too involved or time consuming, continue the example utilizing whichever pattern you are comfortable with.

  • Feel free to use any open source software you feel helps development. Treat this app as something you control technically.
  • Do your best to follow modern iOS conventions and write clean, performant, and extensible code. Imagine that this app will continue to grow.
  • Be sure the app looks great on all iPhone sizes!