Bonus block

Get started


  • go 1.19
  • make
  • curl


To build it in ~/go/bin/bonus-blockd

make build

Joining the testchain

  1. Inti the node
bonus-blockd init [node name] --chain-id=blocktopia-01
  1. Copy genesis file
rm ~/.bonusblock/config/genesis.json
curl | jq '.result.genesis' > ~/.bonusblock/config/genesis.json

Or copy it from the github repository

  1. Add seed node in ~/.bonusblock/config/config.toml ->

  2. start the node

bonus-blockd start

The node should sychronize blocks with the rest of the chain, if this step works make the chain into a daemon.

  1. Add user to local node
  • Existing user:
bonus-blockd keys add [user] --recover

you will be asked for your mnemonic

  • New user:
bonus-blockd keys add [user]

You will be given the mnemonic of the new user

  1. Add tokens to your account from the faucet -

  2. Upgrade your node to a validator

bonus-blockd tx staking create-validator --amount=1000000000ubonus --fees=0ubonus --pubkey $(bonus-blockd tendermint show-validator) --moniker="node3" --chain-id=blocktopia-01 --commission-rate="0.10" --commission-max-rate="0.20" --commission-max-change-rate="0.01" --min-self-delegation="1" --gas="auto" --gas-adjustment=1.15 --from=validator