
A ROS2_Control Hardware Interface for a differential drive control of robot using DDSM115 motors

Primary LanguageC++


To run diffdrive on PiBot, follow the commands below.

  • ping pibot to get his ip address
  • ssh pibot@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
  • cd into workspace
  • colcon build --symlink-install
  • source install/setup.bash
  • ros2 launch diffdrive_ddsm115 diffpibot.launch.py

In another terminal on the computer with the controller.

  • cd into ros workspace
  • source install/setup.bash
  • ros2 launch teleop_twist_joy teleop-launch.py joy_config:='xbox' joy_vel:=/diffbot_base_controller/cmd_vel_unstamped

To run SLAM_Toolbox, run the following in a terminal

  • ros2 launch slam_toolbox online_async_launch.py params_file:=/home/bot/dev_bot/src/diffdrive_ddsm115/bringup/config/mapper_params_online_async.yaml use_sim_time:=false

Motors used

Waveshare DDSM115

This node is designed to provide a ros2_control hardware interface for 2x DDSM115 motors. It is designed to be used with a diff_drive_controller from ros2_control. It is expected to communicate via RS485 serial and to have two DDSM115 motors, using velocity control and position feedback.

It is based on the diffbot example from ros2_control demos.

For a tutorial on how to develop a hardware interface like this, check out the video below:


To Do

  • Document changes from earlier versions
  • Clean up remaining connections to original demo code