
Sample project using the Phoenix Framework.

Primary LanguageElixir


Sample project using the Phoenix Framework.


  • Have a MySQL server running locally. A suitable solution could be Mariadb.
  • Create a new database and grant permissions to a user.
  • Modify the configuration file accordingly with your database info.
  • Run the ecto migrations via mix ecto.migrate in the app's directory.


  • Once installed, one may start the application via iex -S mix directly.
  • All the listed routes below are assumed to be preceded by localhost:4000/api.
  • Issue a POST request to /user to create a user account.
  • Issue a POST request to /auth to authenticate and receive a token.
  • Issue a GET request to /user to verify one is indeed authenticated.
  • Issue a request to any of the other routes available.
  • Know a Postman export is also available.


The following routes are implemented.

Method Route Parameters Authorzation
POST /user username, password
GET /user
POST /auth username, password
POST /author name, lastname
GET /author/:id
PUT, PATCH /author/:id name, lastname
DELETE /author/:id
POST /book name, description, authors
GET /book/:id
PUT, PATCH /book/:id name, description, authors
DELETE /book/:id

Those with a tick for Authorization require a header with a token to be provided.


Please do note that the permission system is indeed not very complex as is.
This means that for instance all users are denied access to all actions unless they are admin.
One may however easily change this as the final project evolves into a more specific thing.