
meetup classwork

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Hipster Code Meetup


NYC is home to some pretty sweet, hipster developers. Genevieve, a developer from BKLN's up-and-coming Carrol Gardens neighborhood, wants to facillitate a monthly meetup for hipster devs. She knows there is nothing more enticing to fellow developers than a hand-crafted, artisinal TCP app. She has contracted you to build it for her.


In a client meeting, Genevieve has explained the following needs for the application:

First, it must be accessible via a public IP address so that developers can telnet to it from their own machines. I want developers to be able to see the date and topic for the upcoming meetup and to be able to RSVP to it. When developers RSVP I want to collect their names and email addresses; they shouldn't be able to RSVP without providing those things. I also want developers to be able to see how many (not who) developers are attending - ie a head count.

I also need to be able to telnet to the app in order to get a current list of developers who are attending. I also want to be able to set the date and topic for the next meetup. Further, when the meetup has passed I want to be able to clear out the RSVPs so the app is ready for the next meetup. Finally, I want to make sure that the features for me are only accessible by me - ie, no one else could change the topic or see the list of developers, etc.


For this project, you will need to first create a detailed feature spec that precisely documents the app behavior. This is documentation for you, the developer, and for Genevieve, the client, so that you make sure you know what you are building and so that she knows how to use the app.


Once you have completely spec'ed out the app, please start building. Keep in mind to go one feature at a time!


After you have finished, deploy your application to Digital Ocean and make sure you can access it from your local machine using telnet.


A GitHub repo with a README that lists the following:

  • your feature specs
  • the IP address of the application.


  1. Well documented feature spec [1 - 5]
  • Program meets client requirements [1 - 5]
  • User experience - the program is easy to use and returns helpful error messages [1 - 5]