
plasma-project-crl123 created by GitHub Classroom

Primary LanguageCOtherNOASSERTION

MO644/MC970 - Final Project

This is the base repository for PLASMA to parallelize using the OmpCluster programming model. In order to keep all the projects standardized, you will be required to follow some conventions. Please read carefully the instructions below.


The PLASMA project is organized using the following directory structure, do not change it:

  • Source Code: The code is divided into three different folders:

    • test: This directory contains the code of the different applications implemented in PLASMA. Look in this folder to find the assigned application. For example, there are applications resolving linear systems of equations, least squares problems, eigenvalue problems, and singular value problems.
    • compute: This directory contains the code that launches each application, manages the parameter and verifies the validity of the output data provided to the application and calls the kernels. It is also where the OpenMP parallel region is initialized. All the applications assigned for the final project are using more than one kernel.
    • core_blas: This directory contains the different kernels that are used by the applications implemented in the test folder. The initial parallelization with #pragma omp task and the calls to the BLAS functions in charge of performing the calculation are done in this folder.
  • Build: Use the following commands to build PLASMA:

export CC=clang
cmake ..
make -j4

You should use CMake 3.13 to generate the build system and the OmpCluster fork of Clang to compile the code. They are both available in the docker image provided for the project ompcluster/plasma-dev:latest. See below for more details on how to use it.

  • Execution: The following command line execute the program:
./plasmatest $application_name

For example, the dgeadd application can be executed using:

./plasmatest dgeadd

The result will be:

Status      Error       Time       Gflop/s      transA  transB  m       n       k     nb    alpha           beta            padA  padB  padC

    pass   0.00e+00     0.0008     0.0002       n       n       1000    1000    1000  256   1.23 +  2.35i   6.79 +  7.89i     0     0     0


  • Status determines if the parallelization code has similar results with serial code.
  • Erro is the difference between the result obtained from the parallelized code and the serial code.
  • Time is the execution time of parallelized code.
  • m and n are the length and the width of the matrix.
  • nb is size of the block.

The size of the matrix and the block can be changed directly from the command line:

./plasmatest $name_aplication --dim=mxn --nb=nb

Where dim is the size of the matrix and nb the size of the block. Additionally, the --test=n flag allows you to disable output validity check which compare the results produced by serial and parallel execution. This might be useful to reduce execution time for larger matrix.

Use the help flag to know what other parameters can be modified:

./plasmatest $name_aplication --help

IMPORTANT: Remember that the OmpCluster runtime will only be used to schedule the tasks if mpirun is used to execute the application.

mpirun -np 3 ./plasmatest $name_aplication --help

Not using mpirun means using the x86 device offloading that is mostly useful for debugging OpenMP target code.

  • Kahuna: Several PBS scripts are provided with different configurations. Edit the *.pbs files to run the application that was attributed to you and and eventually modifying some configurations. Docker is not available on Kahuna so the scripts are using Singularity to run the container.

    • You can test your parallelization on your own computer but you MUST run all scalability tests on the Kahuna cluster.
  • Continuous Integration: You must use the CI server to test your project. You must edit the entrypoint script to run your application. The application MUST be executed on the CI with the following parameters --dim=256 --nb=64.

  • Container: You can execute PLASMA applications with the OmpCluster runtime on your own computer using docker and the following command:

docker run -v /path/to/plasma/:/root/plasma -it ompcluster/plasma-dev:latest /bin/bash
cd /root/plasma/

You can get more information on how to use Docker in the official Get Started guide).

You can also use Singularity (see here for more informations):

singularity pull docker://ompcluster/plasma-dev:latest
singularity shell ./plasma-dev_latest.sif
cd /path/to/plasma/


The applications provided by PLASMA are divided into two groups according to their computational complexity.

  • First Group: medium computational complexity
Application Description
GBTRF Computes an LU factorization of a real m-by-n matrix using partial pivoting with row interchanges.
TRMM Performs a triangular matrix-matrix multiply.
GEQRF Computes a tile QR factorization of a real or complex m-by-n matrix A.
HEMM Performs one of the matrix-matrix operations.
HER2K Performs one of the Hermitian rank 2k operations.
LAUUM Computes the product U∗UH or LH∗L, where the triangular factor U or L is stored in the upper or lower triangular part of the matrix A.
PBTRF Performs the Cholesky factorization of an Hermitian positive matrix A.
POTRI Computes the inverse of a Hermitian positive definite matrix A using the Cholesky factorization.
SYMM Symmetric matrix matrix multiply.
SYR2K Symmetric rank-2k update to a matrix.

For this group, we strongly suggest to run the scalabiltity tests with the following configuration:

  1. Matrix size of 1024x1024 (--dim=1024 --nb=256).
  2. Matrix size of 2048x2048 (--dim=2048 --nb=512).
  3. Matrix size of 4096x4096 (--dim=4096 --nb=1024 --test=n).
  4. Matrix size of 8192x8192 (--dim=8192 --nb=2048 --test=n).
  • Second Group: large computational complexity
Application Description
GBSV Computes the solution to a system of linear equations A x X = B, using the LU factorization.
GELS Solves linear systems involving an m-by-n matrix A using a QRor LQ factorization of A.
GEQRS Computes a minimum-norm solution min
GETRI Computes the inverse of a matrix A using the LUfactorization.
HESV Solves a system of linear equations A x X = B with LTLt factorization.
HETRF Factorize a Hermitian matrix A using a communication avoiding Aasen's algorithm, followed byband LU factorization.
PBSV Computes the solution to a system of linear equa-tions A x X = B.
POSV Computes the solution to a system of linear equa-tions A x X = B, using Cholesky decomposition.
POINV Performs the Cholesky inversion of a Hermitian Positive definite matrix A.
POTRF Solves a system of linear equations A * X = B using the Cholesky factorization.

For this group, we strongly suggest to run the scalabiltity tests with the following configuration:

  1. Matrix size of 512x512 (--dim=512 --nb=128).
  2. Matrix size of 1024x1024 (--dim=1024 --nb=256 --test=n).
  3. Matrix size of 2048x2048 (--dim=2048 --nb=512 --test=n).
  4. Matrix size of 4096x4096 (--dim=4096 --nb=1024 --test=n).
  • Additional notes:
    1. Running tests on larger matrices will increase the execution time: do not forget that the computing resources of the cluster are shared between all users.
    2. The proposed configurations disable output verification for larger matrices to reduce the execution time. However, keep running the verification on smaller matrices to be sure you parallelization is correct.
    3. You can experiment with various block sizes but keep in mind the overhead of the runtime increases when the tasks are too small.
    4. For more information about PLASMA, read the following paper: Dongarra and al. (2019). PLASMA: Parallel linear algebra software for multicore using OpenMP. ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS), 45(2), 1-35.

Your tasks

  • Phase 1: Discovering the project:
    1. Configure your repository to run the application that has been attributed to you. You need to update all PBS scripts (which are used to execute on Kahuna) and the entrypoint script (use to run validation tests on the CI server) with the correct kernel name.
    2. Execute the original version (already parallelized using classical OpenMP tasks) of your application on Kahuna to verify that everything is working correctly. Familiarize yourself with the parameters of the application. You might want to take a first look at the code as well.
  • Phase 2: Initial parallelization:
    1. Start by profiling the original version using OmpTracing. Look at the tracing of the execution and the task-graph to understand better the behavior of the application.
    2. Parallelize the application using target nowait. Verify that the parallel version is still producing correct result even when using 3 MPI processes on a single node. You MUST WAIT until everything is working correctly on a single node before trying to execute on multiple nodes to avoid overloading the cluster for your collegues.
  • Final Phase: Distributed execution and scalability testing:
    1. Start to experiment distributed execution of the application you just parallelized on 3 nodes (1 headnode and 2 nodes). If it does not get any speedup, look for solutions to improve your parallelization: try to reduce the communications between the nodes and experiment with various granularity.
    2. You can try with a higher number of nodes IF AND ONLY IF you get a speedup on 3 nodes: start with 5 nodes (1 headnode and 4 workers) then with 9 nodes.